Laboratory of Computer Science in Control and Management

Data analysis, machine learning and optimization. In the era of access to large amounts of data, adequate data treatment and analysis are necessary. Modern statistical methods allow for effective inference and prediction based on available information. A wide range of works related to data processing of various types is offered. Research in this area is carried out by the Information Technology Laboratory in Control and Management, headed by professor Jerzy Baranowski. We propose: data analysis for scientific research purposes, statistical process diagnostics, development of statistical models of processes various types, pattern classification and recognition methods, prediction methods based on time series analysis with the use of expert knowledge, diagnostic and prediction of faults, optimization and control of discrete processes, in particular manufacturing. Application: The issues under consideration are fully within the scope of Industry 4.0, offering extensive support for many issues of modern production. The proposed works also apply in the areas of research, development and implementation of new products or installations.


Jerzy Baranowski
30-059 Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 30, budynek C3, p. 214

Leading unit

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics

Team leader

Baranowski Jerzy

Team members

  • Grobler-Dębska Katarzyna
  • Kucharska Edyta
  • Kraszewska Marta
  • Bauer Waldemar
  • Piskor-Ignatowicz Cezary
  • Dudek Adrian
  • Mularczyk Rafał
  • Gawęda Bartłomiej
  • Kapusta Jan

IDUB research areas

