Trade name
Geometrics G-859AS and G-856
Technical description

The G-859AS magnetometre is used to measure the total magnetic induction. It is a high-sensitive, fast sampling cesium vapor magnetometer using the phenomenon of optical pumping. The G-859AS provides various modes of operation to allow non-standard designing survey for specific needs.

The G-859AS data acquisition enables continuous or discrete station recording. The high frequency of the instrument sampling in continuous mode allows the operator to measure without having to stop. The location of observation station in the field is facilitated by the built-in GPS system.

This magnetometr allows you to performe measurements in operating mode with one measuring probe or in the same time with two measuring probes, which as a result allows you to calculate the magnetic field gradient.

Operating range of the G-859AS is  20,000nT - 100,000nT with gradient tolerance> 20,000nT/m, the heading error <1.5nT. The minimum measurement frequency is 0.1s.

The G-856 magnetometr is a complementary device to G-859AS and is used for base measurements needed to analyze diurnal variation of the magnetic field. This device can perform measurements in a continuous system with a minimum frequency of 4s.

Conditions for providing infrastructure

Sharing of equipment requires prior approval of the Head of the Department. Sharing takes place on a collaborative basis or for a fee, under commercial orders.

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities
  • deposites prospecting,
  • Mineral exploration
  • supporting solving tectonic problems within the Earth's crust,
  • archaeological and historical prospectus,,
  • UXO
  • possibilities of applying the magnetic method in the monitoring of landslides
  • environmental prospecting,
  • bedrock prospecting,
  • secular variation of geomagnetic field.
Last update date
May 25, 2023, 9:17 a.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

Measurement of the total intensity of the Earth magnetic field

Measurement of vertical and horizontal Earth magnetic field.

Survey mode:

- discrete,

- continous.

magnetometer 1
magnetometer 1