Research teams


Entity: Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals - Department of Physical Chemistry and Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Team leader: Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik Dominika
Description: Team members design and research modern functional materials which are used, among others, in electronics and energy. The team is qualified to perform research using many different research techniques that provide information on: phase transition temperatures and heat capacity (thermal analysis), topology of multi-component systems (SEM, XRD), determination of thermodynamic properties (EMF and calorimetry). Electrochemical and surface modification measurements are also carried out.


Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Process Control
Team leader: Sapiński Bogdan
Description: Control algorithms for semi-active mechanical vibration reduction systems. Electromagnetic harvesters for powering MR actuators. Electronic systems for processing energy harvested from mechanical vibrations and its use to control MR dampers. Static and dynamic properties of magnetoactive materials. Control algorithms for piezoelectric actuators. Structures of piezoelectric harvesters. Mechanical strength of piezoelectric composite beams in the process of cyclic bending.

Additive Manufancturing Group

Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Silicate Chemistry and Macromolecular Compounds
Team leader: Sitarz Maciej
Description: Current research topics include obtaining materials for diverse applications: - 3D structures based on metal/silica composite materials for use in Sabatier catalytic reaction (DIW method) - 3D structures based on bentonites and zeolites for use in the catalytic utilization of hydrogen sulfide (DIW method) - 3D elements from silica doped with rare earth cations as optical materials (DIW method) - scaffolds based on biodegradable polymers (polylactide, poly(trimethylene carbonate) ) for use in bone and cartilage tissue engineering (FDM method) - Metal cation-modified silicon oxycarbide scaffolds for use in bone tissue engineering (DLP method)

Alloys and composites engineering

Entity: Faculty of Foundry Engineering - Department of Engineering of Cast Alloys and Composites
Team leader: Kopyciński Dariusz
Description: The team conducts research in the field of alloy and composite engineering at scales ranging from nano-, micro-, macro-structures and from a few kilograms to large-scale finished components /machine parts/.

Alternative Energy Technologies Research Group

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Sustainable Energy Development
Team leader: Sornek Krzysztof
Description: The activities of the research group are related to numerical and experimental analysis in the field of alternative energy technologies, including devices and systems based on renewable energy sources. The work carried out is aimed at designing, testing and implementing innovative solutions to ensure the reasonable generation, storage and use of energy, as well as improving the energy efficiency of technologies and systems available on the market. The research team uses professional software tools (Ansys, Matlab, Revit, ArCADia, etc.) and develops prototypes for laboratory and field tests. The research team offers its services to all institutions interested in the economical and rational use of energy. It is open to collaboration in research, application and teaching activities, and offers consulting, expertise, design of dedicated solutions and trainings.

Aluminosilicate Structure and Properties Research Group

Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Silicate Chemistry and Macromolecular Compounds
Team leader: Król Magdalena
Description: The team focuses on the synthesis and investigation of the properties of aluminosilicate materials, encompassing both crystalline and amorphous forms. The primary research areas include: exploring natural and synthetic materials, such as zeolites and clay minerals, in sorption processes; utilizing waste raw materials, particularly in construction materials technology; and studying the structure and properties of alkaline-activated binders. Our laboratory is equipped for the preparation of raw materials, including grinding, weighing, and homogenization, as well as the processing of synthesis products for subsequent analysis. In terms of education, the laboratory provides students with opportunities to develop practical skills, verify project outcomes, and complete diploma theses.

Aperiodic systems

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Team leader: Wolny Janusz
Description: Studies of atomic structure, physical properties, analysis of diffraction patterns, atomic structure, and its influence on physical and transport properties in aperiodic systems (quasicrystals, modulated structures, and proteins).


Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry
Team leader: Drabik Anna
Description: The AptaTeam research team studies are based on identification of short DNA and RNA sequences exhibiting a specific spatial structure, which allows for selectively binding "antigen" molecules. Previous research has focused on developing a proteomic strategy for identifying aptamer-binding proteins in various cell models, including cancer disease.

Artificial Intelligence Methods in Mechanical Engineering

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics
Team leader: Ozga Agnieszka
Description: The team's activities should be focused on leveraging modern artificial intelligence technologies to increase efficiency, precision, and innovation in mechanical engineering. The scope of activities for the team dealing with artificial intelligence methods in mechanical engineering will include the following areas: Simulations and modeling, including the creation of predictive models for the analysis of mechanical system dynamics. Monitoring and diagnostics, including the implementation of machine and equipment condition monitoring systems using AI to analyze sensor data. Data analysis and big data, including the use of AI methods to analyze large datasets from production and operational processes to identify patterns and anomalies. Creating decision support tools based on data analysis, which can improve the efficiency and quality of engineering processes. Project management, using AI for planning and managing engineering projects, including scheduling, resource allocation, and progress monitoring.

Artificial Intelligence and Neuromorphic Systems

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Measurement and Electronics
Team leader: Maj Piotr
Description: Research on artificial intelligence algorithms for medical applications Research on neuromorphic processing algorithms Research on neuromorphic system architectures Research on AI and neuromorphic applications in nuclear science

Atomic and Molecular Biospectroscopy Group

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Team leader: Chwiej Joanna
Description: The scientific activity of the Atomic and Molecular Biospectroscopy Group is focused on the applications of the advanced spectroscopic methods in investigation of elemental (XRF microscopy, TXRF spectroscopy) and biochemical changes (FTIR, Raman microspectroscopy, SERS, TERS) occurring in cells, tissues and organs, as a result of physiological and pathological processes of different ethology. The conducted research concerns, among others, identification of: (1) neuroprotective mechanisms and potential side effects of ketogenic diet, (2) biomolecular markers of glioblastoma multiforme development in brain, (3) potential toxicities of the iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (commercially available and dedicated) under in vivo and in vitro conditions and (4) methodological development of spectroscopic and microscopic studies of intact red blood cells (RBCs) and vascular endothelial cells (ECs) enabling the analysis of single cells and interactions between RBCs and ECs in in vitro and ex vivo conditions. Moreover, the investigation of the Group is focused on the evaluation of the usefulness and implementation of instrumental methods based on atomic and molecular spectroscopy for the analysis of microplastics and nanoparticles in the environmental and biomedical samples. Mossbauer studies enable tracking the fate of iron in biological samples, determining its concentrations and chemical forms in various detected phases. In synthetic samples, high entropy systems (alloys, oxides, sulphides), intermetallic phases and others are studied. The determined magnetic properties and hyperfine parameters are additionally analyzed based on the results of calculations of the electronic structure of these materials.

Autonomous Robots Team

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Process Control
Team leader: Rączka Waldemar
Description: The team is interested in broad cooperation in the fields of application, research and teaching. The scope of the research team's interests is wide, but activities depend on specific goals. We are most interested in activities on the following topics: 1. Research on autonomous swarm navigation algorithms. 2. Artificial intelligence for autonomous robots. 3. Practical applications. 4. Interdisciplinary cooperation. 5. Training and education.

BIOSIG - Study and modeling of information and signal processing in biological systems

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Applied Computer Science
Team leader: Bielecki Andrzej
Description: The study and modeling of information and signal processing in biological systems. Biologically inspired algorithms - foundations and applications. Biologically inspired artificial intelligence systems - foundations and applications.


Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Ceramics and Refractories
Team leader: Ziąbka Magdalena
Description: The aim of the project is to develop ceramic biomaterials with improved wear resistance and bioactivity in a biological environment for implant materials to replace bone tissue.

Biochemistry and Neurobiology Group

Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry
Team leader: Suder Piotr
Description: Our Team's activities focus on using ultrasensitive, modern analytical techniques, like ​​mass spectrometry, MS imaging, high-performance liquid chromatography, gel electrophoresis and similar, to solve research problems fusing biological, chemical and medical sciences. We use cellular, animal models and artificial systems. We cooperate with leading polish and foreign teams with similar research profiles. We also use our experience in educating students who want to gain experience in using the mentioned techniques.

Biomedical and Environmental Research Group

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Team leader: Szczerbowska-Boruchowska Magdalena
Description: The research conducted by the Biomedical and Environmental Research Group is closely related to the advancement and utilisation of analytical techniques based on X-ray and infrared spectroscopies. This encompasses biomedical research, environmental science, and the provision of protection for cultural heritage. The investigation of the role played by chemical elements and biomolecules is of particular interest in the context of biochemical action mechanisms, the underlying pathogenesis/progression of diseases, and physiological processes. In this regard, elemental and molecular contrast micro-imaging tools, utilising a range of biological samples, are employed on a regular basis. In particular, micro-X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF), X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared micro-imaging (FTIR) are employed, also with the use of modern synchrotron facilities. Furthermore, methodologies for the quantitative micro-imaging of biological materials utilising X-ray fluorescence micro-analysis are being developed. Additionally, the total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) technique is being developed and applied for quantitative elemental analysis in plant and animal samples. Environmental pollution research focuses on the collection and determination of the chemical content of PM1 and PM2.5 fractions in air.

Biorecycling Research Team

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Environmental Engineering
Team leader: Krawczykowski Damian
Description: The biorecycling research team is involved in technologies for the circular economy, developing materials and processes inspired by nature. Its activities are characterized by an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development that minimizes the negative impact of waste on the environment and increases the efficiency of raw material recovery. The key areas of the research team's activities are as follows: 1. Development and optimization of biorecycling processes that use living organisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi, plants) to transform waste into valuable raw materials. 2. Work on closing material cycles, which means minimizing waste by maximizing the use of raw materials in production processes. The team investigates how materials can be reused from waste to reduce the need to extract new raw materials and reduce the impact on the environment. 3. Research and development of bioremediation methods that use living organisms to clean polluted environments, such as soil, water, and air. 4. Integration of knowledge from various fields, such as biotechnology, chemistry, mineral engineering, materials engineering, and environmental sciences, to create comprehensive solutions.

Centre of Electron Microscopy for Materials Science

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Physical & Powder Metallurgy
Team leader: Kruk Adam
Description: The Center of Electron Microscopy for Materials Science (CME) is a unit operating within the Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. The Center specializes in advanced electron microscopy techniques, including scanning and transmission. The CME is equipped with modern equipment, enabling precise structural observations at the nanometer level. It operates in the field of scientific research, supporting both scientific and industrial projects. Thanks to access to advanced equipment, the Electron Microscopy Center is an essential link in developing knowledge in the technical and biomedical sciences field. The research topics carried out within the group are related to the use of advanced microscopic methods and techniques (LM, SEM and TEM) in microstructural research of structural materials and mainly include issues such as: 1. Quantitative characterization of the microstructure of materials using analytical electron microscopy methods, also on the atomic scale: - Microstructure analysis and measurement of microstructure parameters using various imaging and diffraction methods. - Microstructure analysis with atomic-scale resolution using STEM-HAADF images with spherical aberration correction. 2. Orientation maps and phase maps in nano areas: - Diffraction analysis: Selective electron diffraction (SAED); Convergent beam diffraction (CBED); Micro- and nano diffraction (μD, NBD). Precession electron diffraction (PED). - Identification of phases in multiphase and multilayer materials using diffraction and spectroscopic methods supported by computer programs. - High-resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM). 3. Analysis of the chemical composition of phases (qualitative and quantitative) using spectroscopic methods: - Energy of characteristic X-rays (EDX) with the ability to collect maps of the distribution of elements on the atomic scale. - Electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS). - Element distribution maps using an electron energy filter (EFTEM). 4. Analysis of the electronic structure in nano areas using EELS spectral imaging: - Maps of binding and oxidation states. - Maps of plasmon resonance peaks (both surface and volume). 5. Phase transformations and interfacial interactions in nanomaterials: - The influence of dimension on the thermodynamic properties of nanomaterials - Kinetics of phase transformations in eutectic pairs - Phase diagrams of binary alloy nanoparticles - Diffusion processes in nanometric systems - Metal-induced crystallization kinetics of amorphous layers. - Morphology of multi-component nanoparticles. - Metastable phases in nanomaterials: formation and temperature stability. - Wettability in nanometric systems. 6. Electron tomography (HAADF, EFTEM, EDX) and FIB-SEM tomography are used to reconstruct three-dimensional images of the micro- and nanostructure of materials and metrology. - Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in tomography and electron microscopy.

Circular Economy - strategy and business models

Entity: Faculty of Management - Department of Strategic Management
Team leader: Kulczycka Joanna
Description: 1) development of CE business models for organizations; 2) CE training; 3) diagnosis and analysis of the market for CE implementation; 4) CE strategies for cities and regions; 5) assessment of risks and economic efficiency of CE implementation; 6) evaluation and selection of financing sources and projects; 7) CE raporting; 8) legals aspects of CE implementation

Complex Systems Group

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Applied Computer Science
Team leader: Wąs Jarosław
Description: We conduct research on the analysis, modeling and simulation of various complex systems such as: crowd flow, vehicle movement, including autonomous cars, modeling the spread of pollution (air, oil spill), analysis of social networks and sales, modeling of multidimensional dynamic systems and cybersecurity issues . We are interested in artificial intelligence methods, in particular the use of IoT, ambient intelligence and computational intelligence to solve engineering problems. A very important issue in applied computer science is the use of real measurement data (data-driven modeling), hence in our work we program and use various sensors (UWB, BLE, air sensors, soft-sensors and virtual sensors). We also deal with the use of graphic processors for complex calculations (GPGPU).

Complex Systems Group

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Applied Computer Science and Computational Physics
Team leader: Burda Zdzisław
Description: We study complex systems and interdisciplinary applications of statistical physics, including biology, economics, social sciences, financial engineering, and data analysis of particle collision experiments. Our research is based on Monte-Carlo simulations, computer modeling, and advanced data analysis using deep statistical analysis, neural networks, modeling of complex networks, and random matrices.

Computational Intelligence and Modeling Research Group

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Applied Computer Science and Modelling
Team leader: Regulski Krzysztof
Description: Process modeling using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, designing and implementing computer systems and cyber-physical systems. Utilizing optimization methods to solve engineering problems, including in the analysis and segmentation of microstructure images using convolutional networks. Numerical methods for modeling materials and processes, including digital process twins. High-performance stochastic models for predicting the microstructure of metallic materials and modeling electron and positron diffraction. NLP tools and ontologies for concept identification in technical language. Optimization methods for mechanical properties of materials.

Computational Mathematics, Probabilistic and Statistical Methods

Entity: Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Department of Mathematical Analysis, Computational Mathematics, and Probabilistic Methods
Team leader: Dudek Anna
Description: The scientific activity of the team focuses on computational mathematics, statistics, and probability in the broadest sense, as well as their applications. Problems currently under consideration include: - the construction of new resampling methods and proofs of their consistency for the parameters of nonstationary processes, - choice of the optimal block length for various bootstrap methods in the case of non-stationary signals, - concentration inequalities in the nonstationary case, - analysis of nonstationary signals, - analysis of biomedical signals, - numerical methods for ordinary and delay differential equations in the time domain, - construction of new numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, - Monte Carlo methods, - quantum algorithms, and stochastic simulations on GPU graphics cards, - numerical linear algebra, - robust stability of polynomials and matrices, and incomplete systems, - multi-criteria decision-making, - computational complexity of deterministic and stochastic differential problems. The results obtained have applications, among others, in economics, finance, insurance biostatistics, medicine, neurology, mechanics, vibroacoustics, telecommunications, metallurgy.

Computer Modeling and Optimization Team

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Fuel Technology
Team leader: Buczyński Rafał
Description: The team focuses on broadly defined numerical methods and their application to modeling physico-chemical and thermo-flow processes, as well as optimizing industrial processes. The team's scope of activities includes: - combustion and its modeling - heat and mass transfer - Finite Element Method (FEM) - Finite Volume Method (FVM) - Finite Difference Method (FDM) - Discrete Element Method (DEM) - CFD simulations - programming in Python, Matlab, C, C++, Fortran, etc. - inverse methods - optimization - modeling of exhaust gas treatment systems with catalysts (after-treatment) - heuristic algorithms - neural networks and machine learning.

Construction Projects Engineering, Buililding Information Modelling and Proactive Building

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Civil & Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics
Team leader: Wieja Tomasz
Description: Construction Projects Engineering, Buililding Information Modelling and Proactive Building Team focuses on modern technologies and organization, occupational health and safety, and management methods in the construction industry. The team's activities include research on the use of information technologies, particularly Building Information Modelling (BIM), in design, construction, and operational processes, as well as building life cycle analysis and the implementation of sustainable development principles in construction practice. Special attention is given to leveraging BIM technologies and Common Data Environment (CDE) platforms, which are revolutionizing the way buildings are designed, collaborated on, and data is managed throughout their life cycle. As part of its research on proactive construction, the team focuses on implementing circular economy principles, conducting life cycle analyses (LCA) of buildings, and developing strategies to minimize carbon footprints and improve the energy efficiency of structures. Additionally, a key area of focus is advancing the concept of smart construction, including the design and analysis of SMART buildings—structures equipped with advanced systems for managing both internal and external environments. The team also conducts research on renovation and demolition technologies, as well as the potential for reusing construction materials, contributing to a more environmentally friendly approach within the sector. Collaborating with the construction industry, local governments, and other academic institutions, the team carries out scientific and implementation projects, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application. In doing so, it supports the development of modern construction standards, driving the sector's transformation toward greater proactivity and digitization. The team’s activities also include the dissemination of knowledge through workshops, seminars, and scientific publications, fostering the education of future engineers and specialists.

Cryptography and Cognitive Informatics Research Team/Group

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Ogiela Marek
Description: Research team conducts research in the following areas: Computer science (cognitive informatics, pattern classification) Cryptography (secret sharing, secure information management, steganography, IoT security) Biomedical engineering (medical image understanding and semantic analysis)


Entity: Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications - Institute of Telecommunications
Team leader: Niemiec Marcin
Description: The research team is engaged in research on broadly understood cybersecurity, in particular aspects related to modern cryptography (including quantum and post-quantum), detection of vulnerabilities and attacks, analysis of malware, security assessment, data protection services and protocols, and artificial intelligence in the context of cybersecurity.

Data & Process Mining Group

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Robotics and Mechatronics
Team leader: Brzychczy Edyta
Description: DPMG is an interdepartmental research group from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics & Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management. Our group focuses on extracting knowledge from data with the use of novel algorithms and knowledge-based optimisation of business processes in various industrial branches. Our primary expertise includes: - Multidimensional data analysis: statistical analysis and data mining - Data fusion and decision fusion to monitor and manage business processes - Process improvement: Modelling and optimisation of business processes based on process mining - Expert systems: Development and implementation of prototype solutions for industry - Problem solving: Reactionary projects in all areas of production

Design and development of coatings for biomedical applications

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Surface Engineering & Materials Characterisation
Team leader: Moskalewicz Tomasz
Description: The research group is engaged in the design, optimization of manufacturing processes and the fabrication and characterization of microstructure, surface topography and selected properties of innovative polymeric, ceramic and composite coatings. The basic technology is electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and heat treatment, as well as hybrid treatment involving EPD and laser techniques. Coatings are used to improve the properties of metals and alloys especially in biomedical engineering and mechanical engineering applications.

Diagnostics and Control of Smart Electric Power Tools

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Piątek Paweł
Description: The team's goal is to develop modern diagnostic techniques and control systems for specialized electric power tools.

Differential Equations and Dynamical System

Entity: Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Department of Differential Equations
Team leader: Capiński Maciej
Description: Topological dynamics and ergodic theory on low-dimensional spaces (Cantor set, topological graphs, surfaces), with special emphasis on symbolic dynamics. Characterization of typical dynamics in a topological approach. Studies on complicated dynamics in a global setting (transitivity, mixing, exactness, specification property) and local structure (entropy, structure of minimal sets, limit sets and periodic points, dynamics of pairs and recurrence). Attractors with complicated topological structure and strange attractors. Large basins of attraction, SRB (Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen) measures and shadowing property. Computer assisted proofs for ODEs and dynamical systems. Celestial mechanics. Invariant manifolds and the stability/instability of dynamical systems. Iterates of random-valued vector functions and limit theorems for Markov operators acting on spaces of measures. Functional equations, Ulam type stability and its connections with the theory of fixed points. This stability focuses on the study of how approximate solutions of equations (e.g. integral, functional, differential, difference) differ from their exact solutions and whether they generate these exact solutions. Properties and applications of set-valued maps which are additive up to a cone. Study of nonlinear PDEs describing waves' evolution in pre-stressed granular media.

Digital Control Group

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Piątek Paweł
Description: The Digital Control Group works on various control systems. Modern control systems are often very complex and the issues related to them cover quite a wide range of topics. These include issues related to the construction of systems as electronic systems, their connections with the controlled object or process, the synthesis of digital control algorithms, or issues related to the quality of operation (real-time systems) and the reliability of control systems.

Digital Disinformation Lab

Entity: Faculty of Humanities - Department of Information Technology and Media Studies
Team leader: Ptaszek Grzegorz
Description: Digital disinformation is nowadays one of the most dangerous and at the same time effective tools of social influence, with which it is possible to impact politics and public opinion, destabilize the internal security of countries, polarize society, create panic or undermine trust in democratic governments and institutions. The objective of the Research Group is to analyze the various conditions that foster the creation and spread (of) digital disinformation in various media and digital environments such as social media, Virtual Reality, Internet networks, etc. The research conducted by members and collaborators of the Reaserch Group is carried out in three areas concerning both the detection of digital disinformation and its prevention and combating: a) in the technological area: technological actors (bots, algorithms, artificial intelligence), technological infrastructure; disinformation detection tools and their effectiveness; b) in the socio-cultural area: the media ecosystem and circulation of disinformation, social actors of disinformation (politicians, influsensors, public figures, etc.), understanding and reception, the role of fact-checking organizations, social movements against disinformation; c) in the educational area: development of competencies related to critical thinking, tools to support the detection of disinformation.

Digital culture - language of values ​​- spirituality. Contemporary times in cultural studies

Entity: Faculty of Humanities - Department of Culture and Digital Age Studies
Team leader: Pasek Zbigniew
Description: We study the Polish culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. We use various philological and historical research tools, as well as discourse analysis, cultural semiotics and the history of ideas. We try to reach and interpret new phenomena through language. We are influenced primarily by the axionormative approach to culture.

Discrete Mathematics

Entity: Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Department of Discrete Mathematics
Team leader: Pilśniak Monika
Description: The team currently includes four leader-focused groups. In 2023, J. Przybyło, using probabilistic methods, continued to investigate the Faudree-Lehel conjecture and started a collaboration with two PhD students. The largest group of M. Woźniak (with 3 PhD students) continued to focus on graph colouring, working in the context of distinguishing certain graph structures by labeling vertices and arcs with group elements, and breaking automorphisms. A. Żak with his two PhD students investigated hypergraphs and lattice saturation as practical models of computer systems. M. Pilśniak's group researched infinite graphs and continued her grant on domination problems in graphs, which culminated in the defence of the doctoral thesis of one of her doctoral students. The aim of the team's research is therefore to produce new results in general discrete mathematics, with a particular focus on those areas where team members already have significant achievements, but also to initiate interesting research in new topics. For example, we have a publication with a group of mathematicians from the University of Ulm, which initiates research on the new concept of edge majority colourings of graphs. In 2023, we made important progress on the well-known Faudree-Lehel conjecture on the irregularity strength of d-regular graphs, which has been open for more than 35 years. Namely, we were able to prove an asymptotic version of this conjecture for the full spectrum of the values of d. Furthermore, we have shown a literal version of the conjecture for sufficiently dense d-regular graphs. We were also able to obtain analogous results for a more difficult, generalised version of this conjecture, where arbitrary graphs, not just regular ones, are analysed in the context of their minimum degree, instead of d. In another paper, we dealt with generalisations of so-called piercing sequences, which have their origin in a question formulated in the 1950s by Steinhaus. Here we obtained a number of results, in particular we were able to significantly improve on the previously best constraints obtained by Konyagin. We also considered arc colourings of symmetric digraphs breaking all non-trivial automorphisms. General colourings and proper colourings with respect to various definitions of neighbouring arcs were investigated. Together with two other papers, this publication fully solves the problem of optimal bounds on the minimum numbers of colours in all types of proper colourings of arcs breaking automorphisms of symmetric digraphs. In doing so, some interesting hypotheses were raised. List colourings which break automorphisms were continued for infinite graphs. The conjecture concerning a certain problem of existence of Hamiltonian cycles in homogeneous hypergraphs, posed in a full version by the authors in 2013 and earlier in a partial version by G. Y. Katona, was also partially solved (but for a significant range of the parameter). At the same time, results with potential applications in theoretical computer science concerning the integrity of lattice graphs, which are popular structures of computer architectures were achieved. An asymptotic result was obtained for the problem posed in [Bagga et al., Discrete Appl. Math. 1992] concerning the integrity of plane lattices. On the other hand, in another paper, a result about the division of an abelian 2-Sylow simple group into an arbitrary abelian subgroups was generalised. Several applications of this result to magic and antimagic labelling of graphs were also presented. Overall, the research intensifies in all four threads around open conjectures and work with doctoral students. Publication activity remains consistently high, ensuring professional promotions within generally accepted time standards. PhDs are finishing on schedule, one person is preparing for a habilitation application, two more for a professorship.

Dosimetry and Biomedical Modeling Team

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Team leader: Matuszak Zenon
Description: Research activities carried out in the DBM Team include: (1) the application of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in biomedicine, in particular the optimization of radiological exposure assessment of personnel and patients in medical therapy and diagnosis; (2) use of thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence phenomena in dosimetry of ionizing radiation and in characterization of new materials; (3) mathematical modeling of selected physiological processes; (4) experimental and theoretical studies (Monte Carlo methods) in photodynamic therapy of cancer and development of models of light, oxygen and photosensitizer transport at the cellular and tissue levels.

Dynamic Systems and Control Theory Group

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Skruch Paweł
Description: The research scope of the group covers both theoretical and applied topics, with a primary focus on classical control theory and its application in vehicles with a high level of automation, that is, autonomous vehicles. In the applied domain, research activities are focused on the design and verification of modern control systems, where algorithms are implemented using dedicated software. The research related to classical control theory encompasses mathematical modeling and computer simulations of dynamic systems, stability analysis for both linear and nonlinear dynamic systems in finite and infinite-dimensional spaces, the construction of stabilizing feedback for dynamic systems, and the analysis of fractional-order systems. Scientific activities in the field of vehicle automation and autonomous vehicles are centered on creating control systems for vehicles with advanced driving automation. This includes the development of vehicle perception systems, both for the interior and exterior, based on a variety of sensors such as vision cameras, radars, and LiDARs. Research also focuses on data fusion in vehicle perception systems and the efficient utilization of large datasets in the context of autonomous vehicles. In the area of artificial intelligence, research involves exploring machine learning, including deep learning, in the context of environmental and in-vehicle perception systems, the use of reinforcement learning for behavior planning in traffic scenarios, and work on intelligent expert systems designed to automatically determine the situational awareness of the vehicle. A key aspect of this research is the analysis of large datasets, which is crucial for achieving the quality required for the industrialization of algorithmic solutions. In the area of software, testing, and systems engineering, research focuses on the design and testing of embedded automation systems, methodologies for designing complex IT systems, and technologies related to Industry 4.0.

Dynamic and control systems team

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Process Control
Team leader: Sibielak Marek
Description: Research is carried out on active structures using electrohydraulic, electro-pneumatic and electrodynamic elements and assemblies, which are used, others, in systems for generating mechanical vibrations and vibration isolation systems. The laboratory is equipped with equipment that allows measurements and control of objects in real time. The synthesis of control algorithms is mainly carried out using packages such as Matlab and LabVIEW. • tests of springs, vibration dampers and shock absorbers. • testing models of vibration systems and vibration reduction systems of different structure, of different physical nature, e.g. electro-pneumatic, electro-hydraulic electrodynamic • quick determination of vibro-isolator quality indicators, • possibility of setting displacement, acceleration, force signals, selection of excitation parameters, such as: sinusoidal signal shape, triangle (isokinetic), rectangular, random, or any set from the set, - amplitude, frequency, • identification and research of sources of parasitic vibrations and their reduction, • testing of various algorithms for controlling the active element and the mechanical vibration inductor, • ease of assembly and disassembly of the tested system in the test stand, • conducting original research programs. Equipment, apparatus/software • Universal Test Bench o standard seats for vehicle operators, o shock absorbers, springs, dampers, actuators, about fatigue structural elements • A stand for testing vehicle suspensions under triangular, rectangular, random and shaped sinusoidal excitations. • Slender Construction Test Rig

Economics and Management of Raw Materials and Energy Transition

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Industrial Economics and Management
Team leader: Kustra Arkadiusz
Description: The research team is made up of employees of the Department of Industrial Economics and Management (KEiZP), conducting scientific and didactic activities in the field of interdisciplinary research on the management and efficiency of processes related to the raw materials and energy industry and the business entities operating in it. The team's goal is to study and analyze raw material value chains and link them to the needs arising from the energy transition of enterprises in light of the concept of sustainable development. The team is engaged in the development of issues in the following research streams on: market analysis of raw materials and their sourcing, application of raw materials for energy transition, low-carbon economy, industrial efficiency and energy policy, enterprise value based on the balance between environmental and social factors, while being financially efficient.

Education for Sustainable Development

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Sustainable Energy Development
Team leader: Sobczyk Wiktoria
Description: Analysis of anthropogenic impacts on the environment. Application of advanced decision-making methods. Development of post-mining areas. Waste management in theory and practice. Implementation of sustainable development goals. Use of alternative energy sources for sustainable development. The role of ecological education of society in sustainable development.

Efficiency of Energy Conversion Processes in Power Machines

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Thermal and Fluid Flow Machines
Team leader: Mika Łukasz
Description: The research on the performance of a three-bed adsorption chiller. Assessment of the effect of selected types of adhesives on improving heat transfer in the bed. The analysis of the feasibility of using sorbents based on silica gel, activated carbons, zeolites, and microporous MOF structures in waste heat-powered adsorption chillers. Determination of the effect of high thermal conductivity additives on the sorption capacity and thermal conductivity of modified sorbents. Analysis of the cyclic sorption and desorption of water, methanol, ethanol, etc. Synthesis and comprehensive analysis of sorbents used in adsorption chillers. Studies of the effect of desorption temperature on the performance of adsorption chiller. Studies of the effect of adsorption temperature on the performance of adsorption chiller. Studies of the effect of the sorption/desorption cycle duration on the performance of adsorption chiller. Optimization of adsorption chiller operation. Study of the effect of different designs of the sorption beds, evaporator, and condenser on the efficiency of the cooling process. Studies of the water desalination process in the solar distiller, adsorption chiller, and multi-stage water purification station, towards cooperation with an electrolyzer for hydrogen production. Determination of parameters affecting the phase transformation time of PCMs in heat exchangers. Investigation of the thermophysical properties of PCMs enhanced with high thermal conductivity additives.

Efficiency of adsorption chillers with desalination function

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Thermal and Fluid Flow Machines
Team leader: Sztekler Karol
Description: The main objective of the research work carried out within the research team is to improve the efficiency of the adsorption refrigerator. The research work conducted within the research team includes the issues of modification of adsorption beds by doping with additives with high heat conduction coefficient and the use of thermally conductive binders to reduce the thermal resistance between the sorbent and the heat exchanger. Heat and mass transport analyses are based on studies of the thermal and sorption properties of sorbents. In addition, activities involving changes in the design of the heat exchanger in the adsorption chiller bed and the use of fluidized beds are also being carried out. Activities include research conducted on a single bed and a three bed adsorption chiller. The work conducted includes analyses of the effects of adsorption and desorption temperatures on the performance of the adsorption chiller. In addition, studies of the effect of the duration of adsorption and desorption cycles on the efficiency of the adsorption chiller in terms of optimizing the operation of the device.

Electrical Engineering

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Electrical and Power Engineering
Team leader: Galias Zbigniew
Description: Scope of activities of the research team includes analysis, measurements and design of electrical and electronic circuits and nonlinear systems.

Electrical Power Engineering

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Electrical and Power Engineering
Team leader: Florkowski Marek
Description: The scope of research conducted by the Electrical Power Engineering Team includes theoretical analyses and experimental studies in the following groups of issues: Power engineering problems in the field of transmission and distribution of electrical energy in AC and DC systems of medium, high and ultra-high voltages. Modeling and analysis of power networks and systems. Problems of operation of power systems, including exposure and disturbance states. Problems of technology and operation of power cables. Work on the development of renewable and distributed energy, including the integration of distributed energy sources with the power system. High voltage engineering. Optimization of the design of high-voltage insulation systems. Diagnostics of high-voltage power equipment, including testing of power transformers, electrical machines, cables and insulators. Advanced measurement methods and techniques in high-voltage research, including: partial discharges, space charges, relaxation and impulse phenomena in dielectrics. Physical studies of the mechanisms of degradation processes of high-voltage electrical insulating materials. Research on electrical discharge phenomena, their inception and development. High-voltage test techniques, measurements, research and tests in the high-voltage laboratory. Analysis of overvoltages in power systems, in particular their causes, propagation and methods of limitation. Measurements and analyses of electromagnetic interactions in power engineering. Protection automation in power engineering. Techno-economic problems in power engineering. Ecological problems of the impact of power devices on the environment.

Electronic structure of condensed matter

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Team leader: Toboła Janusz Stefan
Description: The research group is engaged in theoretical studies of electronic structure and selected physical properties of complex, ordered and disordered polyatomic systems, using ab initio methods. In particular, in cooperation with many experimental groups, we conduct research on new materials for energy conversion (thermoelectrics, magnetocalorics and ionic batteries). Another important area of ​​our interest is the study of crystal lattice vibrations, electron-phonon interactions and superconductivity. We develop and implement numerical methods enabling first principles calculations of electronic and phonon transport properties and spin-orbit interactions.

Electrospun Fibers Group

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Physical & Powder Metallurgy
Team leader: Stachewicz Urszula
Description: Research topics are related to biomaterials and nanomaterials in tissue engineering, for energy and water harvesting including: • studies of adhesion/wetting forces at the nanoscale using AFM and SEM, • studying the properties of soft condensed matter at the nanoscale, • mechanical and surface properties of soft condensed matter, • polymer nanofibers and composites fabricated by electrospinning, • biomimetics and biomaterials • biocompatibility and cell-material interactions using confocal microscopy.

Embedded Vision Systems Group

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Gorgoń Marek
Description: The Embedded Vision Systems (EVS) group works within the Computer Vision Laboratory, Department of Automatic Control and Robotics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering (EAIiIB), AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. We are involved in research on implementation of various types of vision systems, which can operate in real time even for high-resolution video streams and sampling – up to UHD (3840 x 2160 @ 60 fps) – while maintaining low power consumption. As hardware platforms, we use reprogrammable FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array), reprogrammable SoCs (System on Chip) such as Zynq SoC, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC (Multi Processor System on Chip), or embedded GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) solutions such as Nvidia’s Jetson series. We are also interested in neuromorphic platforms.

Energy Sources Analysis and Modeling Group

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Measurement and Electronics
Team leader: Sroka Ryszard
Description: The team deals with modern methods of modeling, testing and analysis of energy sources, in particular lithium-ion cells and batteries and energy harvesting systems.

Energy Systems Modeling Lab.

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Sustainable Energy Development
Team leader: Wyrwa Artur
Description: The study of prospects for the development of energy systems, at the current level of economic development, requires the use of appropriate analytical apparatus. The complexity and size of the problems make mathematical models the only tools that reflect the functioning of real systems (with some simplicity). The ESMLab team develops energy system models. Such models are essential for forecasting, designing and analysing energy systems, and in particular for examining the impact of the proposed regulations. The team carries out research related to the analysis, planning and management of energy systems on different territorial scales (EU,national, regional) and in different time periods (short-, mid- and long-term).

Energy efficiency in complex systems/Investigations of multiscale phenomena

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Thermal and Fluid Flow Machines
Team leader: Leszczyński Jacek
Description: Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of complex energy processes and their assessment in terms of energy efficiency. Research on the dynamics of the operation of mechanical energy storage devices, including storage of electrical energy in compressed air. Research on the cooperation of electrical energy storage devices with renewable energy sources and the network. Research on energy conversion methods. Design and construction of stations/prototypes for the conversion of electrical and mechanical energy, and storage of mechanical energy.

Environment and Human

Entity: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Environment Protection
Team leader: Kicińska Alicja
Description: The research group was established in 2020. It consists of researchers from AGH and other scientific institutions, as well as employees associated with industry and local government administration. The key interests of our group are: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of organic and inorganic pollutants in water, soil, plants and other components of the environment, Assessment of the health risk of children and adults related to exposure to the presence of organic and inorganic xenobiotics in the environment, Resistance and migration rate of pollutants (heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, PAHs and others) in natural erosion processes, Transformations of heavy metals in the soil environment and waste, Chemical analyses in waste management, Transformation and reuse of municipal and industrial waste, Study of the relationship between selected technological processes of water purification, Analysis of databases and environmental threats in relation to natural resources, Assessment of the environmental condition of naturally valuable areas and small areas subject to legal protection.

Environmental Physics Group

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Applied Nuclear Physics
Team leader: Wachniew Przemysław
Description: We are part of AGH University of Krakow - the leading Polish university of science and technology. Scientific activities of our group are centered around problems associated with the use of natural variability of isotopic composition of light elements (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen) in environmental research, in particular related to cycling of water and carbon in the environment. Both stable and radioactive isotopes are being employed. Methodological developments focusing on various analytical methods associated with determination of natural radioactivity levels in various matrices are pursued. We develop methods for modelling hydrospheric and atmospheric phenomena, carrying out simulations using AGH supercomputers.

Faculty Thermophysical Research Laboratory

Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Ceramics and Refractories
Team leader: Szumera Magdalena
Description: The employees of the Faculty Thermophysical Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics have experience and extensive knowledge in thermal analysis. They specialize in studying a wide range of materials, including both organic and inorganic substances. The Laboratory is committed to providing substantive support and the opportunity to conduct trial measurements. This assurance of assistance, coupled with the possibility of collaboration with other research units from both science and industry, ensures that the researchers' needs and expectations are met. The Laboratory is equipped with the following thermal analyzers, which enable the highest-quality test results using TG, TG-DSC, TG-DTA, LFA, DIL, and DMA methods.

Functional Materials and Nanomagnetism

Entity: Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology - Department of Functional Materials and Nanomagnetism
Team leader: Szkudlarek Aleksandra
Description: The Functional Materials and Nanomagnetism Group conducts interdisciplinary research on nanomaterials, focusing on their fabrication, characterization, and functional property control through size and dimensionality reduction, supported by experimental methods and advanced theoretical modeling.

Geoengineering, Geotechnical Engineering & Tunnelling

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Civil & Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics
Team leader: Cała Marek
Description: Geoengineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Tunnelling Slope stability Design and construction of tunnels Underground Construction Geotechnical Site Characterisation

Group for Information Technology and Systems Research

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Applied Computer Science and Computational Physics
Team leader: Kulczycki Piotr
Description: The Information Technology and Systems Research Group ZTIBS carry out highly specialized investigations into broadly understood information technology and systems research, in particular that pertaining to data analysis and exploration, computational intelligence and machine learning, as well as the interdisciplinary applications of obtained results. In particular, team members participate in the LHCb experiment conducted by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva.

Group of Thermal Processes

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Heat Engineering & Environment Protection
Team leader: Magdziarz Aneta
Description: The research group focuses on analyzing thermochemical waste processing processes, including municipal and biomass waste. The group conducts research in the following areas: - material pre-treatment, which involves activities such as drying, torrefaction, and hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). This includes the analysis of the physicochemical properties of solid and liquid HTC products, - pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis processes to produce biochars and bio-oil, and to explore the material and energy use of biochars, - catalytic gasification processes to obtain high-quality gas. - operational problems related to the combustion of solid fuels and waste, such as ash agglomeration and corrosion, - low-emission fuel combustion techniques: the group researches the formation of solid, liquid, and gaseous pollutants, using experimental and numerical modelling, - utilization of selected energy waste as components in polymer materials technology.

Group of Thermal and Flow Processes

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Heat Engineering & Environment Protection
Team leader: Hadała Beata
Description: • Thermal balances and analysis of the operation of devices and processes; • Numerical modeling of fluid flows and heat transfer; • Development of micromodels of thermal processes based on cellular automata and Boltzmann grid methods; • Identification of heat transfer boundary conditions based on the analysis of inverse heat conduction problems; • Application of thermal imaging/ thermovision to heat transfer studies; • Heat exchanger research; • Energy storage research; • Research on Thermal Recycling of Industrial Waste • Construction of pilot lines using thermal devices; • Heat exchange when two materials come into contact; • Waste heat recovery research; • Temperature measurements in industrial equipment; • Modification of rigid polyurethane foams with biomass and biomass ash; • Synthesis of polymer composites with improved application properties; • Flame retardants for rigid polyurethane foam; • Waste management in polyurethane technology; • Shape optimization for flow processes.

Health and Environmental Risk Analysis Team

Entity: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Environment Protection
Team leader: Gruszecka-Kosowska Agnieszka
Description: The research group thanks to the interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists from disciplines such as geochemistry, chemistry, environmental protection, chemical analyses, biology, toxicology, ecotoxicology, statistics, management and social communication, conducts comprehensive scientific research based on risk assessment. Environmental risk analysis (ERA); Fate, transport, and metabolism of contemporary pollutants in the environment; Techniques and analytical methods for determining the presence and concentrations of contemporary pollutants in the environment; Risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals; „Omic” technologies in bioremediation of the environment; Farm to Fork Strategy and food security, contaminants in the food chain, biological hazards and health risk assessment; Dietary exposure and risk assessment; Risk analysis of the use of zero-waste technologies in circular economy; Analyses and prediction of the environmental and cumulative behaviour of contemporary pollutants; Health as the fourth pillar of sustainable development; Integrated risk assessment and risk management procedures; Risk communication in informing the public and making decisions.

Heavy ions in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Particle Interactions and Detection Techniques
Team leader: Grabowska-Bołd Iwona
Description: Implementation of the IDUB project Action 4 Support for International Project Applicants, Application 9722, entitled Undiscovered potential of extreme heavy-ion collisions in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.

High Temperature Corrosion Team

Entity: Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Department of Physical Chemistry and Process Modelling
Team leader: Grzesik Zbigniew
Description: The research topics of the team's work include, among others: such issues as: * high-temperature resistance of metallic materials in isothermal conditions and cyclically changing temperatures * mass transport processes in metallic and ceramic systems * degradation of metallic materials caused by high temperature and aggressive oxidizing and sulfurizing atmospheres * thin metallic and ceramic coatings resistant to oxidation.

Hybrid poligeneration systems in renewable energy

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Sustainable Energy Development
Team leader: Filipowicz Mariusz
Description: Experimental and computational works related to analysis of renewable energy systems

Industrial Control Systems

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Process Control
Team leader: Dominik Ireneusz
Description: The team conducts activities in the field of modern solutions related to the Industry 4.0 standard and application of the author's stress measurement system. The team's research scope includes: the use of VR (Virtual Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality) glasses, research on machine learning and broad research on modern automation, robotization and digitization solutions. Experience in providing training on modern production line programming and automation system design. Experience in conducting technology audits.

Industrial digitalization and multiscale modelling

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Applied Computer Science and Modelling
Team leader: Madej Łukasz
Description: The „Industrial digitalizaiton and multi-scale modeling” research group conducts research focused on implementing digital solutions in the fields of Industry 4.0 and 5.0. We specialize in computer-aided design for production processes, multi-scale modeling, and developing support systems based on advanced technologies, including IoT systems for production monitoring, VR and AR technologies for training, and multi-scale simulations involving complex rheological and full-field microstructural analyses. Our laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus that facilitates digital transformation in industry. This includes computational servers, specialized software for numerical simulations using mesh and mesh-free methods, or Odyssey A-Eye AI systems, which enable a numerical analysis of industrial processes and material behaviour during thermomechanical processing. We also develop reverse engineering systems featuring blue-light scanners, 3D printers, and robotic production stations that support rapid prototyping, 3D modelling of complex objects, the production of finished goods, and precise quality analysis. Our VR and AR goggles assist technologists in both training and machine deployment as well as maintenance. Research on dedicated vision systems utilizing multispectral cameras, depth perception, motion tracking, and spatial AI facilitate research in defect identification and dimensional measurement of products in industrial conditions. Additionally, we have a microforming press that is compliant with Industry 5.0 principles, enabling research into miniaturization of forming processes and leveraging advanced sensors and IoT-based data processing. Our solutions and equipment enable comprehensive process optimization, increased production efficiency, and the implementation of digital innovations. We encourage you to contact us to jointly conduct research and support your technological needs in adopting innovative production technologies.

Intelligent Methods in Software Engineering and Data Analysis

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Applied Computer Science
Team leader: Szmuc Tomasz Bartłomiej
Description: The team's research concerns the application of intelligent methods in two main areas: software engineering and data analysis. Intelligent methods are understood broadly, i.e. as Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in the classical sense, as well as formal methods of modelling and analysis (Petri nets, process algebras, temporal logics, probabilistic models, fuzzy sets, rough sets). An important connection with engineering methods characterizes the approach used - this applies to the development of these methods and their support or the search for new solutions using AI tools and formal methods.

Interdepartmental Research Group of Explosives for Civil Purposes (IRT.EX)

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels - Department of Hydrogen Energy
Team leader: Biegańska Jolanta
Description: Design and modification of compositions of new environmentally friendly explosives. Researching the possibility of using explosives for waste disposal by detonation .

Interdisciplinary Cognitive Robotics Team

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Robotics and Mechatronics
Team leader: Klepka Andrzej
Description: The current development of technology forces robots to interact with humans safely. These robots must be able to predict the effects of their actions and the environment's needs. To achieve this, two strands of research need to be combined: one on physical systems designed specifically for human interaction, the other focusing on control architectures that consider the need to gain and use experience. The combination of these areas led to the creation of cognitive robotics. It is a multidisciplinary science that draws on research in adaptive robotics, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence and often uses models based on biological cognition. The Department of Robotics and Mechatronics has researched robotics (including autonomous) for years and implemented machine learning methods for various engineering, design, and production tasks. Combining these two lines of research could create new methods of controlling and programming new types of robots. Research into the efficiency and new applications of this type of robot will enable the creation of efficient and precise algorithms capable of performing tasks previously unattainable for classic industrial robots in the context of production optimization and management. Work on the development of methods to ensure safety will play an important cognitive role.

Interfaculty Laboratory for Diagnostics of Industrial Devices and Processes

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Baranowski Jerzy
Description: The aim of the laboratory is to develop methods for the diagnostics of devices and industrial processes, with particular emphasis on data fusion.

KRaKEn - Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Engineering

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Applied Computer Science
Team leader: Ligęza Antoni
Description: We are a research team working in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with primary focus on Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Engineering (abbreviated to KRaKEn which becomes the name of our group). Our activities include developments in theory, tools, and applications concentrated in several branches of modern AI: from its mathematical and logical foundations, through various KR and KE methods and tools (fuzzy logic, knowledge-based systems, logic, and constraint programming – especially with Prolog, model-based reasoning, probabilistic models, Bayesian networks, rule-based systems, semantic technologies, and other) up to practical applications including variations on knowledge graphs, business process modeling and management, eXplainable AI and many more. We are located at the Department of Applied Computer Science, which is a part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering of our Alma Mater – AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland. We consider our work both as a professional service, but also as an intellectual adventure and a challenge to solve new problems; permanently staying open for new ideas, projects and cooperation, we welcome cooperation proposals and prospective contributors. Finally, being KRaKEn members, we love our Magic City – KRaków.


Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Power Electronics and Energy Control Systems
Team leader: Bień Andrzej
Description: research concerns advanced analysis and optimization tools (also based on artificial intelligence methods) in the design, production and operation of electric machines used both in drive systems and in energy generation systems

Laboratory of Automation of Technological Devices

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Power Electronics and Energy Control Systems
Team leader: Baszyński Marcin
Description: The team deals with the issues of energy storage and processing using advanced power electronics systems. In their work, they use real-time simulators. The team has extensive experience in the design of control systems based on FPGA systems.

Laboratory of Computer Science in Control and Management

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
Team leader: Baranowski Jerzy
Description: Data analysis, machine learning and optimization. In the era of access to large amounts of data, adequate data treatment and analysis are necessary. Modern statistical methods allow for effective inference and prediction based on available information. A wide range of works related to data processing of various types is offered. Research in this area is carried out by the Information Technology Laboratory in Control and Management, headed by professor Jerzy Baranowski. We propose: data analysis for scientific research purposes, statistical process diagnostics, development of statistical models of processes various types, pattern classification and recognition methods, prediction methods based on time series analysis with the use of expert knowledge, diagnostic and prediction of faults, optimization and control of discrete processes, in particular manufacturing. Application: The issues under consideration are fully within the scope of Industry 4.0, offering extensive support for many issues of modern production. The proposed works also apply in the areas of research, development and implementation of new products or installations.

Laboratory of Industrial Control Systems and Building Automation

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Power Electronics and Energy Control Systems
Team leader: Ożadowicz Andrzej
Description: Research and projects in the area of ​​industrial automation systems and building automation. Experimental research and simulations of the operation of control and monitoring modules in industrial and building applications. Selected research areas: Industrial control systems --- - PLC controllers - programming and their applications - real-time operating systems - digital and microprocessor systems in automation - distributed object-level control networks - monitoring and security in industrial applications - data acquisition and processing - SCADA systems - visualization of industrial processes and data from networked automation systems Building Automation --- - automation and control systems in buildings - smart building systems and technologies, smart home - open building automation standards LonWorks, KNX, BACnet - building management systems and functions BMS - improvement of energy efficiency of buildings - energy management systems EMS - solutions for prosumer micro-networks - DSM/DSR functions and technologies in houses, buildings, micro-networks - machine learning, reinforcement learning - building information modeling, digital twins in building applications

Lead Apatite Research Group LARG

Entity: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry
Team leader: Manecki Maciej
Description: Lead Apatite Research Group LARG operates in the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics, and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Kraków, Poland). The informal research team was formed around a leader by graduate students and young faculty at the beginning of the 21st century, when the term “research group” did not yet exist in Poland. Over time, the multigenerational team formalized its existence. Systematic seminars, scientific meetings and presentations emerged. Training courses in determination of unit cell and application of professional computer programs in mineralogy and geochemistry were organized. A workshop “Statistics for a Geochemist” was held at the Orlica Hostel in Szczawnica and many other. The team actively participated in the organization of the International Conference of Young Geologists “HERLANY”. Innovative scientific research undertaken by the LARG research group was an excellent excuse for training the best students and developing top quality young scientists. This is fostered by the multi-generational nature of the team and a positive, creative atmosphere aimed at individual interests and passions. The priority of the group activity is international cooperation, innovative research leading to grants and publications, and, whenever possible, practical application of the results. Members of the LARG group specialize in mineralogy and experimental geochemistry research on apatite, particularly lead apatite, and synthetic analogs. Experiments are aimed at synthesis, determination of structural parameters and thermodynamic properties, and model laboratory studies of practical applications. Research is funded by grants of Polish National Research Centre (NCN), NCBiR, IDUB AGH, by international grants, and through participation in international projects. For over 20 years of its activity, this scientific team has been a blossoming site for many talented students and young scientists. The activity in LARG was the beginning of an exceptional number of excellent scientific and professional careers for its alumni, who work today in Poland and abroad. More information about the activities of the group and its members can be found in the relevant tabs of the website Links to individual channels maintained by group members are also provided (Orcid, LinkedIn, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar, etc.).

Magnetic Nanomaterials Group VERSA

Entity: Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology - Department of Functional Materials and Nanomagnetism
Team leader: Kmita Angelika
Description: Nanomateriały Magnetyczne VERSA (ZNM VERSA) działa w Zakładzie Materiałów Funkcjonalnych i Nanomagnetyzmu, we współpracy z badaczami z pozostałych Zakładów ACMiN, gdzie prowadzone są interdyscyplinarne badania nanomateriałów o szerokim spektrum właściwości funkcjonalnych. ZNM VERSA w swoich pracach badawczych łączy nowoczesne metody eksperymentalne i teoretyczne z zakresu inżynierii materiałowej, chemii, fizyki i medycyny. W ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat badacze tworzący Zespół VERSA zrealizowali (i wciąż realizują) szereg projektów/grantów naukowo-badawczych, w ramach których prowadzone były badania właściwości magnetycznych i magnetotransportu nowoczesnych nanomateriałów, w tym nanocząstek magnetycznych, cienkich warstw sensorycznych, izolatorów topologicznych, nanokompozytów: 1. NCN, SONATA BIS 4, M. Sikora, 2015-2021 2. NCN, SONATA 8, D. Lachowicz, 2015-2018 3. NCN, SONATA 8, K. Berent, 2015-2018 4. NCBiR, LIDER, A. Rydosz / K. Kollbek, 2016-2019 5. NCN, OPUS 9, M. Sikora, 2016-2020 6. NCN, OPUS 9, Sz. Zapotoczny / A. Bernasik, 2019-2019 7. NCN, SONATA 9, A. Szkudlarek, 2016-2020 8. NCN, SONATA 11, K. Kollbek, 2017-2021 9. NCN, SONATA 12, A. Kmita, 2017-2021 10. NAWA, Akademickie Partnerstwa Międzynarodowe, M. Przybylski, 2018-2020 11. NAWA, Współpraca Bilateralna - Niemcy, M. Sikora, 2021-2022 12. NCN, OPUS-LAP 20, M. Sikora, 2021-2025 13. NCN, PRELUDIUM 20, W. Salamon, 2022-2025 14. NCN, SHENG 2, Sz. Zapotoczny / D. Lachowicz, 2022-2025 15. NCN, OPUS 23, J. Cieślak / M. Sikora, 2022-2025 Do najważniejszych grup nanomateriałów syntetyzowanych i badanych w ostatnich latach należą materiały o właściwościach magnetycznych i katalitycznych. W przypadku nowoczesnych nanomateriałów (nanocząstek i nanokompozytów) do zastosowań w medycynie, w technologiach filtrowania wody, spintronice i sensoryce, w których powszechne jest zastosowanie materiałów superparamagnetycznych, bardzo istotne jest określenie ich temperatury blokowania magnetycznego, która jest zazwyczaj niższa od 100K, a także w aspekcie materiałów na kontrasty do obrazowania z wykorzystaniem magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego, których charakterystyka magnetyczna powinna być wyznaczana w polu o indukcji 3 Tesla, typowym dla komercyjnych skanerów MRI. Działania podejmowane przez ZNM VERSA, dzięki systemowi do badań właściwości fizyko-chemicznych materiałów z układem chłodzenia w obiegu zamkniętym pozwolą na usunięcie istniejących ograniczeń i rozszerzą możliwości badawcze o dodatkowe techniki, tj. FORC, podatność AC, przewodnictwo cieplne, przewodnictwo elektryczne i magnetoopór.

Materials Engineering

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Physical & Powder Metallurgy
Team leader: Bała Piotr
Description: The team is involved in research on metallic materials, particularly on iron, nickel, titanium, aluminum, and zinc alloys. The team has many years of experience in basic research, design of materials and technologies, and expertise in ​​material selection, manufacturing process parameters, and failure analysis. The basis for the conducted analyses is a thorough knowledge of the material and advanced techniques for analyzing microstructure and properties based on, among others, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, light microscopy, diffraction (XRD), and testing of mechanical and physicochemical properties of materials. The whole is complemented by wide possibilities of preparing samples for research, starting from mechanical polishing techniques and ending with advanced FIB selective ion etching techniques. The group also develops research techniques based on electron scattering diffraction (EBSD and TKD) and stress measurement methods.

Materials and additive manufacturing processes

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science -
Team leader: Dubiel Beata
Description: The broad scope of the research group activity concerns the manufacturing and comprehensive research of the microstructure and properties of metal alloys and metal matrix composites. We mainly investigate materials processed by additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and metal forming

Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines Team

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics
Team leader: Cieplok Grzegorz
Description: We are the research-didactic team, which is dealing with problems of the dynamics of mechanical systems for more than 40 years. We specialize in building and maintenance of vibratory machines and in processes related to the vibratory transport. The continuous development of the research tools and achieved experiences allow us to solve efficiently various problems of industrial units. Apart from research studies we are engaged in didactic activities within the classic mechanics, analytical mechanics, dynamics of machines and modelling in designing of machines.

Mechanics of Rocks, Soils, and Underground Construction

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Civil & Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics
Team leader: Tajduś Antoni
Description: The research group focuses on interdisciplinary studies encompassing rock and soil mechanics in designing, constructing, and operating tunnels and associated structures, such as metro stations, underground parking facilities, technical infrastructure, and their interactions with the rock mass and ground surface. Its activities broadly include advanced analyses of stress and strain states under varying soil and rock conditions, using the latest technologies and research tools (such as Machine Learning and 2D and 3D numerical modelling). The group's interests also extend to slope stability issues, encompassing both rock and soil slopes, the prediction of landslide processes, monitoring, and stabilization. Group members have extensive experience in laboratory research, primarily in the areas of strength and deformation properties, as well as in-situ measurements using state-of-the-art testing equipment. In their work, the group places particular emphasis on studying the behaviour of rock and soil masses under static, rheological, and dynamic loads associated with underground structures, including tunnels. The group conducts research on assessment and guidelines (structural and construction-related) for modern tunnelling techniques, including the use of TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines with Shield), mining-based methods (e.g., NATM), and innovative construction materials. Additionally, the group develops methods for monitoring and diagnosing underground structures and ground surfaces, utilizing sensors, IoT technologies, InSAR, and LiDAR. The research also addresses risk assessment related to the environmental and surface impacts of underground construction.

Medical Computer Science

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
Team leader: Rzecki Krzysztof
Description: Medical Computer Science (Medical Informatics) - a team whose competencies include the creation of new and development of computer-aided medical diagnostics methods, acquisition and analysis of medical signals, acquisition and analysis of medical images (X-ray, tomography, resonance), creation of software for medical equipment, decision support algorithms, computer modelling of organisms and drugs, IT systems for health care units, etc.

Methods for processing and analyzing vibroacoustic signals in technical, medical and environmental diagnostics

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics
Team leader: Kłaczyński Maciej Krzysztof
Description: Development of methods for processing and analyzing vibroacoustic signals in technical, medical and environmental diagnostics

Methods of functional analysis in operator theory and the theory of differential equations

Entity: Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Department of Mathematical Analysis, Computational Mathematics, and Probabilistic Methods
Team leader: Kużel Sergiusz
Description: The goal of the research team is to obtain new results in the theory of differential equations, operator theory of mathematical physics, holomorphic function theory, and frames theory, based on the application of advanced methods of functional analysis. The team members are particularly interested in the following topics: • Investigating solutions of various classes of nonlinear local and nonlocal differential equation problems. • Properties of holomorphic functions near the boundary of the domain of definition. • Various types of scattering theory (stationary, non-stationary, Lax-Phillips scattering scheme). • Studying operators of mathematical physics in Hilbert spaces with reproducing kernel. • Studying dual frames. The team's research focuses on the aforementioned topics and on collaborating with doctoral students. Since 2021, four doctoral students have defended their theses under the supervision of team members. Notably, in 2024, Ms. Paulina Pierzchała defended her doctoral dissertation with distinction, titled 'The Inverse Radon Problem for Holomorphic Functions' (supervisor: Dr. hab. P. Kot). In 2023, Dr. Radulescu, based on the scientific achievement titled 'Local and Nonlocal Issues in Nonlinear Analysis,' obtained his habilitation degree in the field of natural sciences and mathematics. The publication activity of the team members remains consistently high, with a significant contribution from Dr. hab. Radulescu, whose scientific output includes approximately 400 publications. In 2021, Dr. hab. Radulescu was listed for the fourth time among the Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) in the annual list of the world's most cited scientists. Two team members serve as editors-in-chief of journals: Professor Cojuhari for Opuscula Mathematica, and Dr. hab. Radulescu for Advances in Nonlinear Analysis. Dr. Witold Majdak serves as the managing editor of the journal Opuscula Mathematica. In 2023, the scientific journal Opuscula Mathematica achieved a Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of 1.0. In terms of JIF value, it ranked 117th out of 489 journals in the mathematics category, as listed in the Journal Citation Reports published by Clarivate Analytics. This means that Opuscula Mathematica is part of the prestigious Q1 group of journals with the highest JIF.

Microelectronics and IC Design Team

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Measurement and Electronics
Team leader: Gryboś Paweł Leonard
Description: The Microelectronics and Integrated Circuits Design Team focuses on the design, testing, and practical use of application specific integrated circuits. The group members have many years of experience in designing integrated circuits and many integrated circuits designed with their participation have been used in modern scientific experiments and commercial applications (Europe, USA, Japan). The group's research activity focuses mainly on the development of multi-channel readout systems for X-ray imaging, applications of high-energy physics, neurobiology, and others. Important dates: – in 2013, the team initiated the establishment of the IEEE Solid State-Circuit Chapter Poland – in 2014, the team initiated and has since then run the Microelectronics in Technology and Medicine course at WEAIiIB AGH, dedicated to educating students in the design of specialized integrated circuits. - in 2019 - organization in Krakow two important IEEE conferences: 49th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Kraków 2019 and 45th European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Kraków 2019

Microstructure and mechanics of materials

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Team leader: Wierzbanowski Krzysztof
Description: The team studies microstructures, crystallographic textures, residual stresses in metals and plastic deformation mechanisms. Deformation at high strain rates is also investigated. Techniques used include X-ray and neutron diffraction, scanning microscopy and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Mechanical tests (e.g., compression and tension) and "in situ" diffraction measurements during these tests are also carried out. In addition, theoretical calculations using micro-macro deformation models (elastic-plastic and visco-plastic self-consistent models) are carried out.

Microwave Detection Group for Thin Film Systems

Entity: Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications - Institute of Electronics
Team leader: Wincza Krzysztof
Description: The research group created for the purpose of implementing the grant consists of team members: from the Institute of Electronics – Microwave Technology and High Frequency Electronics Group and Spin Electronics Group; from the Academic Center for Materials and Nanotechnology: Quantum Effects in Nanostructures and Functional Materials and Nanomagnetism Groups; from the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Department of Solid State Physics. The aim of the project is to use van der Waals materials, or more precisely two-dimensional materials, in modern electronic devices in the high-frequency range. After the discovery of two-dimensional materials, such as graphene, with excellent electrical properties, extensive research began focusing on van der Waals materials (i.e. crystalline layered systems held together by weak interlayer interactions), with particular emphasis on application in new electronic devices, such as sensors, transistors and novel logic devices. There are predictions and first experimental reports that two-dimensional materials can also play an important role in spin electronics, for example by 'freezing' the mutual orientation of spin and angular momentum of electrons in 3D topological insulators or the large spin diffusion length in graphene monolayers or in high-frequency electronics as antennas and frequency multipliers. By combining such two-dimensional materials in the form of a heterostructure, it is possible to change the properties of each of them, using the proximity effect. At the same time, the microwave properties of two-dimensional materials, especially magnetic ones, have not been comprehensively studied so far, due to the small surface area of ​​the flakes obtained by exfoliation methods, which, combined with thicknesses in the order of nanometers, is a technological challenge for accurate characterization. There are first works showing the possibility of using two-dimensional materials for microwave systems [Nature 566, 368 (2019)]. Resonant microwave methods are an alternative to traditionally used volume methods due to the possibility of producing waveguides on a micrometer scale, comparable to the size of the flakes.

Mineral-based Architectures Group

Entity: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry
Team leader: Matusik Jakub
Description: Our research activities are devoted to the use of minerals and synthetic crystalline phases as well as other mineral resources for the production of functional materials with applications in the industry and for environmental protection. Current research objectives: 1. Chemical and mineralogical characterization of layered (clay minerals, layered double hydroxides) and framework minerals (zeolites). 2. Modification of minerals in order to obtain functional mineral materials: selective adsorbents, (photo)catalysts and composites for: + detoxification (mycotoxin immobilization) + water treatment and remediation - adsorptive and photocatalytic removal of inorganic (heavy metals) and organic (pesticides, steroid estrogens) pollutants + recovery of selected elements (e.g. lithium).

Minerals Innovations and Technology

Entity: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry
Team leader: Bajda Tomasz
Description: The team is working in several fields, including environmental science, chemistry, mineralogy, adsorption, functionalization and mineral processing, and recycling. In adsorption science, our research has significantly focused on the sorption of inorganic and organic contaminants on natural and modified zeolites and clay minerals, iron, manganese, aluminum oxides, and hydroxides. Our work in material functionalization focuses on developing advanced materials for environmental applications, particularly in sorption and remediation. The research extends to the innovative functionalization techniques of mineral materials, integrating interdisciplinary studies to establish new trends in material science. Mineral technology in our research includes the recovery and processing of minerals from primary sources, tailings, and processing waste. Our focus lies in the transformative use and management of mineral industrial wastes. Our team is dedicated to managing, recycling, and reusing industrial wastes. A significant area of our work involves using combustion by-products from the utility power industry and waste generated in water treatment and purification processes.

Mining Aerology and Industrial Ventilation

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Environmental Engineering
Team leader: Borowski Marek
Description: 1. Design and optimization of ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems for industrial facilities, mines, underground garages and communication tunnels. 2. Design of fire ventilation and air conditioning systems in underground mines. 3. Conducting research in the Thermoanemometry, Refrigeration Technology, Flow Machines and Thermal Physics of Structures laboratories. 4. Testing of flows, characteristics of heat exchangers, diffusers, extractors and ventilation equipment. 5. Modeling of air flows using advanced CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques for ventilation equipment and systems. 6. Thermal imaging measurements of machinery, installations and buildings, as well as energy audits. 7. Analysis and selection of renewable energy sources for residential and industrial buildings, including design of systems integrated with HVAC systems. 8. Organization and conduct of postgraduate studies in the field of Ventilation and Air Conditioning of Facilities and Mining Aerology. 9 Teaching support in the field of underground mining and tunnel safety.

Modeling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems

Entity: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering - Department of Applied Computer Science
Team leader: Karatkevich Andrei
Description: The team deals with the topics connected to modeling, formal analysis and verification of the parallel discrete systems, first of all the asynchronous embedded devices and systems and the real-time control systems. In the research work a wide range of the formal models is applied, including the finite and timed automata, graph models, classical Petri nts and various generalized nets, such as timed, colored, RTCP-nets, different kinds of interpreted Petri nets. The Alvis language, a formal language for modeling the parallel systems, is developed in the team.

Molecular Biophysics and Bioenergetics Group

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Applied Nuclear Physics
Team leader: Burda Kvetoslava
Description: The team's research concerns: • electron and energy transport within type II photosystems; their potential application to bioenergetics; • the mechanism of oxygen release in photosynthesis; • molecular mechanisms of bacterial anaerobic photosynthesis; • bioremediation, phototrophic bacteria in environmental and application studies; • the effects of heavy metals, selected nanoparticles and anti-fouling coatings on the photosynthetic activity of bacteria, algae and higher plants, in vitro and in vivo studies; • structural and functional analysis of novel prenyllipids; • antioxidant and non-antioxidant properties of carotenoids and vitamin E; • effects of abiotic stress on plants; • structure, organisation and physico-chemical properties of native and model pigment-protein-lipid systems; • effects of selected agents (ionising radiation, metal ions, metallic and organic nanoparticles) on the physico-chemical properties and function of normal and pathological cells; • the influence of metallic and organic nanoparticles on the development of civilisation diseases; • the functionalisation of carbon nanotubes and the study of their physico-chemical properties and effects on selected biological systems.


Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Team leader: Cieślak Jakub
Description: Synthesis, characterization and utility assessment of Fe57-based magnetic nanoparticles for in vitro and in vivo SPION toxicity and fate studies. The leading research technique is Mossbauer spectroscopy.

NanoBioMaterials Group

Entity: Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology - Department of Surface Nanoengineering and Biomaterials
Team leader: Zapotoczny Szczepan
Description: The interests of the Nanobiomaterials Team include the design, synthesis and characterization of new polymer systems as carriers of biologically active substances, hybrid materials for biomedical applications in anticancer and gene therapy, as well as in environmental protection.

New Materials and Solutions in Reducing Vibroacoustic Hazards Team

Entity: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics - Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics
Team leader: Kosała Krzysztof
Description: Research on determining the acoustic parameters of sound-absorbing and sound-insulating materials of baffles used in construction solutions of vibroacoustic protection.

Non-reciprocal phenomena in quantum transport

Entity: Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology - Department of Quantum Systems Theory
Team leader: Nowak Michał Piotr
Description: The group was established to implement a grant under the IDUB 21 action (application no. 4183). The group is engaged in theoretical studies of the phenomena of non-reciprocal lossless current flow in hybrid nanostructures.

Nuclear Energy Technology Team

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels -
Team leader: Oettingen Mikołaj
Description: Scientific research conducted by the Team focuses on technological and physical aspects of nuclear energy, mainly numerical analyses of advanced nuclear systems. Research includes numerical analyses of radiation transport and nuclear fuel burnup in nuclear systems operating on fissile fuels using advanced numerical tools. Research also focuses on analyses and studies of nuclear energy problems in the technological, safety, education and training, legal, social, and economic areas.

Occupational safety research team

Entity: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management - Department of Mining Engineering & Occupational Safety
Team leader: Burtan Zbigniew
Description: The profile of the research team's activity includes education and scientific research in the broadly understood scope of occupational safety and protection. Teaching focuses on the issues of natural phenomena, material factors of the work environment and human behavior. Cognitive and application research works are aimed at implementing new organizational and technical solutions in engineering practice, aimed at improving conditions and increasing the efficiency and quality of work, with particular emphasis on the prevention of natural, technical and personal hazards and shaping employees' awareness of the principles of safe work. The activities undertaken include, among others, aspects of the harmfulness of environmental factors, accidents and occupational diseases, organization and ergonomics of work stations, selection of personal and collective protective equipment and employee training. Issues related to occupational safety management systems in enterprises focus mainly on the possibilities of assessing occupational risk, and the specificity and diversity of hazards occurring in mining determine the search for new methods of their assessment and combating. Another area of ​​interest is the fire safety of designed road tunnels, taking into account the proper evacuation of people at risk of poisoning with fire gases. The issues in question are implemented interdisciplinarily, in cooperation with enterprises, including mining plants, supervisory authorities and other entities from the health and safety industry. Employees have qualifications to work in health and safety services and authorizations of an expert for mining plant operations and participate in the work of advisory and opinion-forming teams.

Opportunities and challenges of nuclear energy with SMR reactors

Entity: Faculty of Energy and Fuels -
Team leader: Pieńkowski Ludwik
Description: Study of the feasibility of implementing SMR reactors

Orogen Dynamics Team

Entity: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry
Team leader: Majka Jarosław
Description: Orogen Dynamics Team gathers researchers and students from both AGH University of Krakow (Kraków, Poland) and Uppsala University (Sweden). We are focused on all aspects of orogenic processes.

Particle interaction and detection techniques

Entity: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science - Department of Particle Interactions and Detection Techniques
Team leader: Szumlak Tomasz
Description: Experimental high energy physics.

Phase transformations research group

Entity: Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science - Department of Physical & Powder Metallurgy
Team leader: Bała Piotr
Description: The Phase Transformations research group deals with the relationship between chemical composition, manufacturing technology, processing, heat and thermochemical treatment, and the microstructure and properties of steel and alloys (steels and special alloys, tool materials, nickel alloys, titanium alloys, zinc alloys, and high-entropy alloys). We deal with the design of new materials and technologies for their manufacturing and heat treatment, as well as advanced analysis of engineering materials manufactured on an industrial scale. The team members' extensive experience in the topics mentioned above allows for conducting expert activities with industrial partners in implementing new technologies and material solutions, determining the causes of damage and failures, and determining the mechanisms of wear of engineering materials.