Laboratory of Automation of Technological Devices
The team deals with the issues of energy storage and processing using advanced power electronics systems. In their work, they use real-time simulators. The team has extensive experience in the design of control systems based on FPGA systems.
ABB Corporate Technology Center
KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
30-059 Kraków, Mickiewicza 30, Pawilon B1, pokój 20
12 617 28 08
Leading unit
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
Department of Power Electronics and Energy Control Systems
Team leader
Baszyński MarcinTeam members
IDUB research areas
- Sustainable energy technologies, renewable sources of energy, energy storage, and resource management. Design, production, application, synergy, and process integration
energy processing and storagepower electronics