Transport Phenomena in Complex Flows Group
- Numerical analysis of mass, momentum and energy transfer in industrial processes, including: annular flow, impinging jets, natural convection, mixed and forced convection, magnetic convection, heat exchangers, thermo-hydraulic issues in nuclear reactors, compressible flows, flows in engines
- Design of heat exchangers
- Experimental analysis of thermophysical properties, i.e. viscosity, density, magnetic susceptibility, electrical conductivity
- Experimental analysis using DSC, LFA devices (thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity coefficient, phase transitions)
- Experimental analysis of phenomena occurring in a strong static magnetic field, e.g.: heat transfer, operation of devices in a static magnetic field with different magnetic induction, separation of compounds with different magnetic properties, influence of the magnetic field on the structure of materials
- Thermodynamic analysis of systems
Research facilities:
Zestaw do pomiaru dyfuzyjności cieplnej metodą LFA i ciepła właściwego oraz przemian fazowych metodą DSC
Laboratory of strong magnetic fields
Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics
Laboratory of Thermodynamics
Laboratory of Advanced Thermal Measurements
Delft University of Technology
Gdansk University of Technology
National Centre for Nuclear Research
Strata Mechanics Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Department of Fundamental Research in Energy Engineering
30-059 Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 30, Budynek B3, pokój 214
12 617 26 63
30-059 Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 30, Budynek B3, pokój 214
12 617 26 63
Leading unit
Faculty of Energy and Fuels
Department of Fundamental Research in Energy Engineering
Team leader
Fornalik-Wajs ElżbietaTeam members
IDUB research areas
- Sustainable energy technologies, renewable sources of energy, energy storage, and resource management. Design, production, application, synergy, and process integration
experimental analysisnumerical analysismass, energy and momentum transferthermodynamicsthermodynamic analysisheat exchangersnanofluidsjetsnuclear reactorthermo-hydraulics of nuclear reactorsthermo-magnetic convectionthermal conductivityspecific heat