Underground Mining Research Team
The subject of research work is broadly defined as the technology of making underground mine workings, their protection, strengthening, maintenance and monitoring of changes, especially in the context of their stability and other environmental conditions. Research activities focus both on rock excavation techniques, the design and optimization of mining systems for coal, metal ores, salt deposits, as well as on the use of mine workings for other purposes, after mining is completed. Advanced experimental research is carried out both at mines and in laboratories using available modern research methodologies, with cooperation in interdisciplinary teams at home and internationally.
30-059 Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 30, budynek A4, II piętro, pokój 227a
12 617 46 11
Leading unit
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management
Department of Mining Engineering & Occupational Safety
Team leader
Korzeniowski WaldemarTeam members
IDUB research areas
Underground and open pit technology; mineral raw materials;Rock mass monitoringUnderground storages