Team of Strength of Materials and Structures
The research activities of the team focuses on issues related to the strength of materials and structures and particulary concerns the following areas:
- development of analytical, numerical and experimental methods for determining loads and stresses in mechanical structures;
- experimental and theoretical analysis of the mechanical properties of materials and structural elements;
- identification of mechanisms detemining the mechanical properties of materials, including biogenic structures and selected metals in cryogenic conditions;
- assessment of strength and prediction of fatigue life of materials and structural elements;
- experimental investigation and prediction of fatigue cracks in metals.
Fatigue testing laboratory
Testing machines laboratory
Non-destructive testing laboratory
Laboratory of photoelasticity
Numerical analysis laboratory
Strain gauge laboratory
Low-load testing laboratory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
30-059 Kraków, al. Adama Mickiewicz 30, pawilon B2, III piętro
12 617 30 15
30-059 Kraków, al. Adama Mickiewicz 30, pawilon B2, III piętro
12 617 30 15
Leading unit
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
Department of Machine Design and Maintenance
Team leader
Machniewicz TomaszTeam members
IDUB research areas
- Technical solutions: from fundamental research, through modelling and design, to prototypes. The application of mathematical, information technology, and electronics tools to macro-, micro-, and nanoscale problems
- Materials, technologies, and processes inspired by nature: biotechnology, bioinspirations in engineering and materials science, biosensors, bioenergetics, biocatalysis, biocomputers, and biocomputation
- Design, production, and testing of modern materials and the technologies of the future based on a multidisciplinary approach combining materials engineering with chemistry, physics, mathematics, and medicine
strength of materialsstress statestrain statemetallic materialsbiogenic materialscryogenic propertiesfatigue of materialsfatigue crack growthFEMriveted jointswelded joints