Testing Machine 100 kN
The Shimadzu AGX-V 100 kN testing machine is used for static strength tests in the field of tensile, compression, bending, etc. The machine has precise testing capabilities in the range of forces up to 100 kN.
Technical parameters:
Shimadzu AGX-V 100 kN testing machine
• Working space width: 600 mm.
• Working height: 1250 mm.
• Force measuring heads: up to 5 kN; up to 50 kN and up to 100 kN in class 0.5 1/1000 according to ISO 7500-1.
• Sliding speed range: from 0.00005 to 1500 mm/min in the force range up to 100 kN.
• Sampling: 500kHz.
• Automatic constant strain rate control fully compliant with EN-ISO 6892-1
• Automatic control with a constant rate of increase of test force/tension according to PN EN-ISO 6892-1
• Possibility of video recording of the test run.
Video extensometer Shimadzu :
• Camera with a resolution of 2MPix
• Field of view range: 240 mm. x 180mm.
• Accuracy class: 0.5 according to ISO 9513
• Accuracy: ±1.5μm (according to PN EN-ISO 527-1:2012)
• Measurement of sample width changes during the test
• Measurement of anisotropy coefficients n + r and Poisson's number
• Test video recording
• Full synchronization with the stretch curve,
• Sampling frequency: 100Hz
MFA25 contact extensometer with 25 mm and 50 mm stationary base
• Accuracy class: 0.5 (ISO 9513), B1 (ASTM E83).
According to individually agreed contracts.
Destructive strength tests in the scope of:
- stretching;
- compression,
- bending,
- stripping,
- deformability, etc.
Strength tests of metals according to PN-EN-ISO 6892-1 and non-metals (plastics, rubber, e.g. PN-EN-ISO 37, PN-EN-ISO 527), etc.
According to the machine specification.
For example:
Determination of the strength limit,
Determination of yield strength,
Determination of relative elongation,
Determination of the longitudinal elasticity coefficient E (Young's modulus),
Determination of Poisson's ratio.

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Research Laboratory of Technical Means of Transport and Materials