Trade name
Dionex ICS-6000 SP Single Pumps
Technical description

Dionex ICS-6000 chromatographic system for chromatographic separation of chemical species of As, Cr, Sb, Se and their quantification in conjunction with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS):

  • SP gradient pump with 4-component gradient
  • Chemically inert, metal-free PEEK pump heads and flow path; compatible with aqueous eluents from pH 0–14 and reversed-phase solvents
  • Pressure range 0-35 MPa
  • Flow rate range 0,001 – 10 mL/min
  • Integrated piston seal wash
  • Easy access to all fluidics
  • Built-in vacuum degas
  • User selectable upper and lower pressure limits for pump shutdown
  • Analytical column IonPac AS7 (2x250 mm)
  • Guard column IonPac AG7 (2x50 mm).

More details:

Conditions for providing infrastructure

As part of contracts and orders after prior approval by the Head of Laboratory. Tests are performed only by authorized personnel of the Laboratory.

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

Ion chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer is widely used in environmental analysis. It gives great possibilities in the determination of species of selected elements, after the use of appropriate analytical columns, selection of eluents and operating parameters of the analytical equipment.

Last update date
May 27, 2023, 3:17 p.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

Depending on the parameter being analyzed and the sample matrix, it is possible to measure concentrations of the order of ng/L. Routinely, the limits of quantification range from tenths of µg/L to several µg/L.

Dionex ICS-6000 SP
Dionex ICS-6000 SP