The UHPLC-MS/MS system is a combination of ultra-high-performance or high-performance liquid chromatography with a tandem mass spectrometer, using the resolving power of the analytical method and the ability of mass spectrometry to identify separated components. The use of such a combination is an ideal tool enabling quantitative analysis of polar organic compounds in complex matrices with excellent sensitivity and precision, and enables screening.
The tandem mass spectrometer has two mass analyzers and a collision chamber, which allows performing both MS and MS/MS measurements. Primary ions formed in the source as a result of ionization using the ESI technique are separated in the first spectrometer (MS1). Then, ions with the selected m/z ratio go to the collision chamber, where, depending on the conditions, they decay or remain unchanged. As a result of ion decay (fragmentation), daughter ions are formed. In the second spectrometer (MS2), the ions are separated again according to their mass-to-charge ratio. Those that pass through the second spectrometer go to the detector. However, the noise intensity in MS2 is several orders of magnitude lower than in MS1, so the signal-to-noise ratio increases many times over. This makes the sensitivity of the tandem MS/MS system much higher than that of the MS system itself.
For the determination of various substances in environmental and food samples, it is recommended to use the LC-MS or LC-MS/MS method working in the SIM or MRM mode because they are characterized by high sensitivity and selectivity. UHPLC-MS/MS equipment is standardly used to determine metabolites of pharmaceuticals, drugs, doping substances, and organic pollutants in both body fluids and environmental samples.
The apparatus is part of the “Integrated platform for the study of the chemistry and microtexture of porous materials and the reactivity of their surfaces.”
As part of contracts and orders after prior approval by the Head of Laboratory. Tests are performed only by authorized personnel of the Laboratory.
UHPLC-MS/MS equipment is standardly used to determine metabolites of pharmaceuticals, drugs, doping substances, and organic pollutants in both body fluids and environmental samples.
Mass spectrometer: Electrospray ion sources ESI Scan Modes: Full-scan Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) Selected Response Monitoring (SRM)
Liquid chromatograph:
- detector UV/VIS
- detector DAD
Software controlling the operation of the mass spectrometer, enabling data acquisition, processing and analysis.

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Health and Environmental Risk Analysis Team (HERAT)