Contact person:
Koziarska Marta
Technical description:
The UHPLC-MS/MS system is a combination of ultra-high-performance or high-performance liquid chromatography with a tandem mass spectrometer, using the resolving power of the analytical method and the ability of mass spectrometry to identify separate…
Microscope Nikon ECLIPSE LV100POL
Contact person:
Aleksander-Kwaterczak Urszula
Technical description:
Enables both diascopic and episcopic polarizing observations. The epi-illuminator uses a Nikon 12V50W light source that provides bright illumination. The noise-terminator mechanism provides sharp images with high S/N ratios by eliminating stray ligh…
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Contact person:
Cyrana Jadwiga
Technical description:
Automatic, multielement, double beam aptics atomict absorption spectrometer ICE3500, with dual atomizer design enabling switching between flame and furnace analysis. Equipped with hybride generator.