Trade name
Multiserw Morek automatic Proctor compactor
Technical description

The device is equipped with 2 moulds with a diameter of 100 mm and 150 mm.

Conditions for providing infrastructure

The device is only available in the laboratory. Only employees of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of the AGH University of Science and Technology are authorized to provide service. Laboratory works for external entities are carried out on the basis of a formal order (form available at: after registration at the Administrative Office of the WGGIOŚ. The implementation of the research requires the consent of the Head of LBGiG.

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

The device enables: (a) determination of optimum moisture content , i.e. the moisture content at which the soil attains maximum dry density (b) determination of the maximum density of the soil skeleton according to PN-EN 13286-1:2022-04 and PN-EN 13286-2:2010 using the normal and modified method, (c) compaction of samples for CBR testing.

Last update date
May 27, 2023, 3:21 p.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

Tests with the device are performed for soils compacted for the construction of airports, roads, railways, sports fields and other construction embankments. The device enables several variants of determining the optimal moisture content in different moulds for the standard and modified method of compaction of cohesive and non-cohesive soils, aggregates and their mixtures.

Proctor compactor
Proctor compactor