High-performance liquid chromatographic system (HPLC)
Trade name
High-performance liquid chromatographic system (HPLC)
Technical description
Shimadzu LC-2050C HPLC chromatographic system with UV-Vis and FLD detectors
Conditions for providing infrastructure
With the consent and under the supervision of the laboratory supervisor.
Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities
Quantitative analysis of organic compounds in environmental samples, model solutions etc.
Last update date
Sept. 4, 2024, 10:57 a.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities
Quantitative analysis of organic compounds.

HPLC Shimadzu LC-2050C with UV-Vis and FLD detectors

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Mineral-based Architectures Group, http://www.mba-group.agh.edu.pl/
Contact person
IDUB research areas
(PRA 1) Sustainable energy technologies, renewable sources of energy, energy storage, and resource management. Design, production, application, synergy, and process integration
(PRA 3) Water-energy-climate: interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development
(PRA 7) Design, production, and testing of modern materials and the technologies of the future based on a multidisciplinary approach combining materials engineering with chemistry, physics, mathematics, and medicine