Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope
Contact person:
Trembułowicz Artur
Technical description:
The microscope takes advantage of the quantum phenomenon of electron tunneling between the sample and the tip, enabling atomic-resolution observation of sample surfaces. This capability extends to imaging molecular structures, identifying defects, a…
Pulsed Laser Deposition System
Contact person:
Naumov Andrii
Technical description:
The PLD system allows the fabrication of epitaxial films, multilayer heterostructures, superlattices, and amorphous layers from various materials (metals, nonmetals, oxides, ceramics, etc.) on a variety of substrates. Our system is equipped with a m…
High-resolution electron beam lithography system
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
The Class 100 clean room houses the electron lithography unit (Raith eLine+). The system consists of an electron gun, a secondary electron detector, an in-lens detector, a laser interferometer, control electronics, and a pump system to maintain adeq…
Metallographical microscope (clean room) Nikon Eclipse LV150N
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
The light microscope (LM) allows imaging in reflected light in bright field (BF), dark field (DF), polarised light (POL) and reflected light. field (BF). It has a fully motorized stage (X,Y,Z), allowing automatic taking pictures in extended depth of…
Dilution refrigerator with magnet
Contact person:
Chrobak Maciej
Technical description:
The 3He/4He dilution refrigerator operating in a closed cycle allows reaching and stabilizing temperatures in the range from 10 mK to 30 K. Cooling power at 100 mK is 200 μW, and at 20 mK is 4 μW. The integrated superconducting magnet allows t…
Gas sorption analyzer
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
Using the Sieverts volumetric method, the sorption analyzer makes it possible to determine the amount of gas absorbed by a sample under controlled pressure and temperature conditions. It can be used to analyze H2, CO2, CH4, N2, and Ar sorption. The …
Profilometer for measuring nanometer-sized layers
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
Contact needle profilometer for testing surface roughness and waviness with a resolution of 1 A and a repeatability of 4 A≤ (angstrom).
Ion etching and layer deposition system
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
The Class 1000 clean room houses the Microsystems IonSys 500 ion etching and thin film deposition device. The system is equipped with an ion gun along with a SIMS detector, which enables the etching of thin films with nanometer precision, and a magn…
Integrated Mossbauer Measurement System
Contact person:
Cieślak Jakub
Technical description:
Standard spectrometric track with a proportional (Xenon) detector and software.
VSM magnetometer with cryostat
Contact person:
Szkudlarek Aleksandra
Technical description:
Vibrating sample magnetometer, LakeShore 7407 VSM, is equipped with continuous flow cryostat and owen. It is capable to probe DC magnetization as a function of temperature and external magnetic field. Temperature dependent measurements can be perfor…