Virtual computer laboratory W.I.M.i R.
Contact person:
Mańka Michał
Technical description:
A virtual computer laboratory was developed and implemented in 2023, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics. The implemented laboratory enables design work and numerical analyses to be carried out using a computer cluster consisting o…
The AllroundLine universal testing machine ZwickRoell Z010 TH
Contact person:
Ekiert-Radecka Martyna
Technical description:
The highly specialized ZwickRoell Z010 TH electric testing machine enables multi-scale strength tests of biological materials and printed elements in additive technologies (3D printing), with high-resolution load measurement, the possibility of test…
Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV)
Contact person:
Pieczonka Łukasz
Technical description:
Universal measurement system allowing the analysis and visualization of structural vibrations in high frequency band (from 0 to 25 MHz) and very high precision (<1𝑝𝑚/√𝐻𝑧 or <0.1 μm/s/√𝐻𝑧). The use of near infrared las…
Agile mobile robot
Contact person:
Klepka Andrzej
Technical description:
Spot is a walking, autonomous mobile robot that moves on various (including difficult) terrain. It has the ability to work autonomously, collect data, integrate with measuring devices and remote communication.
Laser ultrasound non-destructive inspection system
Contact person:
Ambroziński Łukasz
Technical description:
The setup for non-destructive testing using laser-generated ultrasound is used to test construction materials such as metal alloys and composite materials. The device allows for non-contact excitation and detection of ultrasonic waves.