Single crystal growing furnaces (Bridgman method)

Trade name
Single crystal growing furnaces (Bridgman method) CZYLOK
Technical description

Single crystals growing devices using Bridgman technique. Resistance heaters are capable of achieving temperatures up to 1100°C allowing for controlled crystallisation of the pure metals and alloys within specified temperature range. Going from seed is possible by employing correct crucible. Crystallisation process can be conducted in the vacuum or insert atmosphere.

Conditions for providing infrastructure

Equipment is available in accordance with the Regulations for the Use of ACMiN's Research Infrastructure. (

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

Heaters are prepared for crystallisation of single crystals from pure elements and alloys with melting point not higher than 1100°C. Crystal dimensions are dependent on the material used and the crucible type. Typically, grown crystals have diameter up to 10mm and length up to 120mm. Single crystals growth is made via controlled decrease of the temperature within the vertical temperature gradient reactor.

Last update date
Nov. 28, 2024, 11:16 a.m.
Year of commissioning
Single crystal growing furnace by Bridgman method
Single crystal growing furnace by Bridgman method
Single crystals of aluminium and copper
Single crystals of aluminium and copper