Plate reader (Infinite M Nano, Tecan)
Plate reader (Infinite M Nano, Tecan). The device is equipped with two monochromators (xenon UV lamp) for excitation, allowing to perform a full absorbance scan, absorbance reading module in the range of 230-1000 nm with the possibility of selecting the wavelength every 1 nm. In addition, it has a built-in shaker with adjustable direction and speed of shaking and an incubator with a temperature range of +5 from room temperature to 42 °C.
The reader allows you to perform absorbance measurements from plates in the range of 6-384 wells, from different places in the well, with the function of multiple readings. The reader is controlled by two software iControlTM and Magellan™. The Magellan™ program is to enable device control and include ready-made application protocols: immunoassays, DNA/RNA quantification, protein quantification, kinetic determination of enzyme reactions, cytotoxicity and cell viability measurement, quantification of PCR products, determination of intracellular calcium, the possibility of conducting both both static and kinetic, the ability to plot a standard curve and transfer the obtained results to a spreadsheet (Excel), the ability to program permanent, repeatable measurement protocols.
Equipment made available on the terms resulting from the Regulations for the Use of ACMiN Research Infrastructure.
Upgradeable absorbance plate reader delivering sensitive results for ELISAs and low volume nucleic acid or protein quantification assays. Automated pathlength correction and low volume NanoQuant plate deliver high precision results every day, independent from sample volumes.

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Department of Surface and Biomaterials Nanoengineering