LA-ICP-MS Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with integrated LIBS

Trade name
iCAP TQe ICP-MS Triple Quadrupole with ESL213 laser ablation system and ESLumen LIBS system
Technical description

Technical description

LA-ICP-MS combines laser ablation (LA) for sample introduction with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for the detection and quantification of elements.

LA-ICP-MS/LIBS system consists of:

  • Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer model iCAP TQe (Thermo Scientific) is a tandem quadrupole ICP-MS equipped with a reaction-collision cell. It allows for the removal of interferences through kinetic energy discrimination (KED) or by using reaction gases such as O2.
  • Nd:YAG laser (Elemental Scientific) operating at a wavelength of 213 nm, repetition rate 1-20 Hz and adjustable spot sizes ranging from 10-100 microns.
  • LIBS detector (ESLumen) for measurements based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

The apparatus is part of the “Integrated platform for the study of the chemistry and microtexture of porous materials and the reactivity of their surfaces.”  

Conditions for providing infrastructure

Measurements are conducted by authorized laboratory personnel based on contracts and orders, with the approval of the Head of the Laboratory

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

LA-ICP-MS is technique for in-situ multi-element analysis of solid materials, widely used for geological, biological, metallurgical, and archaeological samples. It can detect most elements from the periodic table with low detection limits between 0.1 and 10 ppm. It is also possible to create elemental distribution maps and measure selected isotopic ratios. LIBS offers the ability to visualize trace element distribution, with a particular focus on light elements such as Li or B.

Last update date
Oct. 25, 2024, 7:30 p.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

Samples intended for analyses should be prepared either as a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 25 mm or as a microscope thin section measuring around 46 x 27 mm and with a thickness of at least 75-100 micrometers. The LA-ICP-MS method allows the quantitative determination of most elements from lithium to uranium (excluding noble gases) with very low detection limits (routinely 0.1-10 ppm). Up to 20-30 elements can be measured during one analysis.

iCAP TQe ICP-MS Triple Quadrupole with ESL213 laser ablation system and ESLumen LIBS system
iCAP TQe ICP-MS Triple Quadrupole with ESL213 laser ablation system and ESLumen LIBS system