LA-ICP-MS Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with integrated LIBS
Contact person:
Kozub-Budzyń Gabriela
Technical description:
Technical description
LA-ICP-MS combines laser ablation (LA) for sample introduction with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for the detection and quantification of elements.
LA-ICP-MS/LIBS system consists of:
Electron Microprobe Jeol SuperProbe JXA-8230
Contact person:
Piestrzyński Adam
Technical description:
The JEOL SuperProbe 8230 electron microprobe equipped with:
- 5 wavelength X-Ray spectrometers (WDS) equipped with 12 diffracting crystals (LIF, LIFL, LIFH, TAP, TAPH, PETL, PETH, PETJ, LDE1, LDE2, LDE3);
- Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer…