Nanoindenter G200 Agilent - KLA
Testing machine for hardness and Young's modulus on the nanometre scale, with a load range of up to 9.8 N (in high load mode). Equipped with a CSM (Continuous Stiffness Measurement) module for continuous measurement of Young's modulus and hardness as a function of depth from the surface. Allows Scratch tests to be carried out on a nanometre scale, together with measurement of the coefficient of friction thanks to a lateral force module. The instrument allows imaging of the surface topography of materials, as well as the effects of indenter interaction with the material. It performs measurements in accordance with ISO 14577 and allows the influence of strain rate on the above-mentioned parameters to be studied.
Equipment is made available under the Regulations for the Use of ACMiN Research Infrastructure.
Regulations are available here:
Hardness measurement
Young's modulus measurement
Spot measurements
Line measurements
Surface mapping
Scratch tests

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Department of Materials Engineering