Atomic absorption spectroscopy AAS iCE 3500
Company The Thermo Scientific iCE 3500 AAS provides unrivalled performance, flexibility and simplicity. The high precision, double beam optics, combined with an Echelle monochromator produce low detection limits and long term analytical stability. Unique Quadline deuterium background correction with guaranteed performance is provided as standard. The flame atomizer design incorporates a 50 mm titanium burner with improved solids capability to increase the efficiency and accuracy of your flame analysis.VP 100 hydride generation adapter allows you to perform the analysis of hydride-forming elements: As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi, Sn and Hg with better sensitivity and precision compared to the flame technique. The attachment is controlled fully automatically from the spectrometer software. It consists of containers for reagents, a 4-channel peristaltic pump, mixing valves, a gas-liquid separator and a mass flow controller, for precise control of carrier gas flow. The measuring cuvette placed in the spectrometer beam is heated as standard with an air acetylene flame or optionally with an EC100 electric furnace
Research can be performed for a fee or on the basis of scientific cooperation.
The laboratory uses only certified reagents and standardized solutions within the expiration date. The laboratory is equipped with a hydride pair generation system enabling direct determination of microquantities of As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi, Sn and Hg from 0.5 and 0.1 micrograms/dm3, respectively, and in the normal mode about 30 other elements
The laboratory specializes in performing quantitative analyzes of water, sewage, soil, soil, minerals and rocks, plants and various normative tests. This applies to comprehensive waste testing, testing the aggressiveness of water and soil, and identifying any inorganic compounds that are hazardous to the natural environment. Quantitative full, indicator and trace element analyzes are carried out.

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