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Apparatus for sorption measurements NOVA 800 Anton Paar

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: NOVA 800 Anton Paar is an analyzer for measuring gas sorption and determining BET surface area, size, volume, and pore distribution in powders and porous materials. Apparatus characteristics: apparatus compatible with N2, He and CO2 gases …

Atomic absorption spectroscopy AAS iCE 3500

Contact person: Klimek Agnieszka
Technical description: Company The Thermo Scientific iCE 3500 AAS provides unrivalled performance, flexibility and simplicity.  The high precision, double beam optics, combined with an Echelle monochromator produce low detection limits and long term analytical stabil…

Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: The Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer is used to precisely measure the actual density of solids in the form of powders or monoliths. Helium is used for measurements. The device has a built-in temperature control using a Peltier module. Measurements…

FTIR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: The Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer enables the recording of high-quality spectra in the infrared range (400÷4000 cm-1) with a maximum resolution of 0.1 cm-1.   Equipment: • DTGS and MCT detectors (nitrogen…

Particle Size Analyzer Saturn DigiSizer II

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: Micromeritics' Saturn DigiSizer II measures particle size distribution using laser radiation diffraction.  Instrument characteristics: CCD detector  a semiconductor diode laser laser power: 6-9 mW automatic system for pr…

Particle Size Analyzer SediGraph III

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: SediGraph III is a particle size distribution analyzer by sedimentation method with X-ray detection of suspension density. Instrument characteristics: the stationary X-ray scanner module the module of vertical movement of the measuring ch…

Apparatus for sorption measurements ASAP 2020 HD Micromeritics

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: Micromeritics' ASAP 2020 HD is an analyzer for measuring gas sorption and determination of BET surface area, size, volume, and pore distribution in powders and porous materials. Apparatus characteristics: apparatus compatible with N2, A…

Scanning electron microscope FEI Quanta 200 FEG

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description:  High-resolution scanning electron microscope with hot field emission (FEG - highly stable Schottky electron emitter),  magnification 70 ÷ 300,000x Technical parameters: Accelerating voltage 5 - 30 kV Variable vacuum syst…

X-ray diffractometer SmartLab 9kW

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: Description Rigaku SmartLab X-ray powder diffractometer with rotating Cu anode with a power of 9 kW. The device is equipped with a precise theta-theta goniometer, adjusted by a computer control system. Technical parameters: maximum us…

Thermal analysis apparatus STA 449 F3 Jupiter

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: The apparatus allows thermal analysis of solid and powder samples in the range of RT-1500°C in an atmosphere of nitrogen, helium and technical air, along with gas analysis by QMS and FTIR. Technical parameters: • real measurement of T…