X-ray diffractometer SmartLab 9kW
Rigaku SmartLab X-ray powder diffractometer with rotating Cu anode with a power of 9 kW.
The device is equipped with a precise theta-theta goniometer, adjusted by a computer control system.
Technical parameters:
- maximum useful power of the X-ray tube - 9kW
- maximum lamp voltage - 45kV
- maximum lamp current - 200mA
- a theta-theta goniometer with a radius of 30 cm
- Bragg-Brentano and parallel optics
- slits set by computer control system
- measuring range - 0.5÷156º 2Ɵ
- SC scintillation and D/tex Ultra strip detectors
- monochromators suitable for the type of detectors for CuKα radiation
- HTK 1200 high-temperature camera
- camera with variable, stabilized CHC humidity
- milli-area diffraction system
- SAXS low-angle scattering measurement system
- automatic sample changer
- special holder for preparations of clay samples
- according to the regulations listed on the laboratory's website: http://wydzlab.agh.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Regulamin-WLBFSTiG.pdf
- scientific and research cooperation with AGH units and other domestic and foreign scientific units
- cooperation within the projects of NCN, NCBiR, cooperation with industry and under contracts
- X-ray qualitative and quantitative analysis
- analysis of clay minerals with a mixed-layer structure
- determination of the size of crystallites, structure ordering indicators, unit cell parameters
- identification of poorly crystalline minerals by DXRD differential X-ray diffraction
- determination of the mass absorption coefficients using the direct method
- the structure refinement of crystalline phases
- X-ray registration of powder sample made using the following methods top, back and side loading
- X-ray registration of solid flat, suspensions, liquids:
- in step by step and continuous mode
- in a vacuum and in the environment of various gases
- at various temperatures up to 1200ºC
- at different relative humidity
- saturated with various types of liquids
Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
The Faculty Laboratory for Phase, Structural, Textural and Geochemical Studies