Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer

Trade name
Gas pycnometer for measuring the density of solids: Ultrapyc 5000 Micro
Technical description

The Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer is used to precisely measure the actual density of solids in the form of powders or monoliths. Helium is used for measurements. The device has a built-in temperature control using a Peltier module. Measurements are performed in the range of 15 °C to 50 °C, standardly at 20 °C. The gas pycnometer is equipped with three measuring chambers with different volumes: Micro cell: 4.5 cm3, Meso cell: 1.8 cm3, Nano cell: 0.25 cm3.

Conditions for providing infrastructure

- according to the regulations listed on the laboratory's website: http://wydzlab.agh.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Regulamin-WLBFSTiG.pdf
- scientific and research cooperation with AGH units and other domestic and foreign scientific units
- cooperation within the projects of NCN, NCBiR, cooperation with industry and under contracts

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

Gas pycnometer is used to measure the helium density of solid materials such as: soot, catalysts, cement, ceramics, charcoal, cosmetics, desiccants, fertilizers, fibers, minerals such as aluminum oxide, silica, titanium and others, pharmaceutical products, food powder and metal powder.

Last update date
Sept. 22, 2023, 5:36 p.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

The device enables determination of helium density for small amounts of samples from 0.25 cm3 to 4.5 cm3.

Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer
Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer