The mechanical surface properties testing platform Anton Paar Step 500
The mechanical surface properties testing platform from Anton Paar company model Step 500 is equipped with:
- NHT3 tester (nano hardness tester);
- MCT3 tester (micro combi tester);
- optical head providing magnification of 5,20,50,100 times;
- anti-vibration table, movable in x (215 mm), y (75 mm), z (30 mm) axes.
The Nanoindenter NHT3 is a precision instrument designed to determine the mechanical properties of materials and thin films at the nanometer scale. The NHT3 complies with ASTM-E2546 standard for nanoindenters, while the MCT3 module complies with ASTM: C1624, E2546, G171 and ISO: 14577, 20502, 27307.
The micromechanical properties are determined by the deformation of the material as a result of indenting the sample with an indenter. The value of the loading load and the penetration depth of the indenter tip are recorded continuously during the entire cycle (loading and unloading). Properties such as hardness, Young's modulus, creep time, and fracture toughness are determined from the load vs. displacement curve plotted. Using minimum loading forces on the indenter, it is possible to perform measurements at depths of several hundred nanometers, which is especially important when testing thin films where the influence of the substrate on the determined properties should be eliminated. MCT module allows to perform scratch tests.
The platform offers high repositioning accuracy (<1 µm) over the entire distance range and synchronizes the position of the video microscope with the head indenter.
After contacting the laboratory manager
The device allows:
- determination of hardness and Young's modulus of soft, hard, brittle and ductile (plastic) materials
- performing scratch-test
indenter loading force setting range 0.1-500 mN
accuracy of penetration depth measurement 0.01 nm
accuracy of indenter loading force measurement 0.5 μN
sample positioning 1 μm
indenter loading force setting range 0.05-30 N
accuracy of penetration depth measurement 0.03 nm
accuracy of indenter loading force measurement 6 μN
sample positioning 1 μm

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Laboratory of Tribology and Surface Engineering