Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WD-XRF) Rigaku ZSX Primus IV
Trade name
WD-XRF Rigaku ZSX Primus IV
Technical description
The ZSX Primus IV is a wavelength dispersion XRF spectrometer for qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative elemental analysis. It is able to detect elements from Be to U.
Analyzed elements range: Be – U (Z = 4 – 92)
X-ray source parameters:
- lamp Rh 4 kW
- accelerating voltage: 60 kV
- maximum electron beam current: 150 mA
- automatic lamp heating function
- an X-ray tube placed over the sample to be analyzed
Primary beam system:
- automatic beam attenuation system
- selectable primary beam filter (four filters available (Al-125, Al-25, Ni-40, Ni-400)
- six-position collimator changer (35, 30, 20, 10, 1 oraz 0.5 mm)
Sample system:
- automatic sample changer (48 holders)
- the ability to rotate the sample during measurement
- hermetic chamber enabling the measurement of powder and liquid samples in a helium atmosphere
- the ability to measure at a fixed angle
Analyzer and detection system:
- automatic analysis crystal changer
- 8 analysis crystals for measurements in B – U range: LiF(200) : 22Ti-92U PET: 13Al-21Sc Ge: 15P-21Sc RX-25: 9F-12Mg RX-35: 8O-12Mg RX-40: 7N-8O RX-61: 5B-6C LiF(220): a crystal cooperating with a scintillation counter
- proportional and scintillation detector
- mapping system (spot measurement) with CCD camera
Conditions for providing infrastructure
Equipment is available in accordance with the Regulations for the Use of ACMiN's Research Infrastructure. (https://acmin.agh.edu.pl/acmin/dokumenty/)
Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities
- qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elemental composition
- standardless analysis of the chemical composition
- macroscopic and spot analysis of the chemical composition
- possibility of fixed angle measurement
- analysis of the composition of solid and powder samples
Last update date
Nov. 28, 2024, 11:17 a.m.
Year of commissioning

WD-XRF Rigaku ZSX Primus IV

Responsible body
Group / laboratory / team
Department of Semiconductors Photophysics and Electrochemistry
Contact person
IDUB research areas
(PRA 5) Materials, technologies, and processes inspired by nature: biotechnology, bioinspirations in engineering and materials science, biosensors, bioenergetics, biocatalysis, biocomputers, and biocomputation
(PRA 7) Design, production, and testing of modern materials and the technologies of the future based on a multidisciplinary approach combining materials engineering with chemistry, physics, mathematics, and medicine