FTIR spectrometer for measuring infrared spectra

Trade name
FTIR spectrometer Tensor II, Bruker
Technical description

The Bruker Tensor II FTIR spectrometer is equipped with:

  • attachment for measurements of Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) with a monolithic diamond crystal enabling measurement in the range of 350-8000 cm-1, adapted to the measurement of liquid samples and solids
  • ATR attachment with a germanium crystal enabling measurements in the range of 600 - 5000 cm-1, adapted to measure liquid and solid samples; germanium crystal is ideal for measuring spectra of carbon structures, especially fullerenes, carbon nanotubes or graphene oxide
  • attachment for transmission measurements with a liquid cuvette, detachable with KRS5 and ZnSe windows,
  • detectors: DLATGS (340-12000 cm-1) and MCT (420-12000 cm-1)
  • the measuring chamber is equipped with a diffuser enabling the chamber to be purged with inert gas
Conditions for providing infrastructure

Equipment made available on the terms resulting from the Regulations for the Use of ACMiN Research Infrastructure.

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

The FTIR spectrometer enables the measurement of infrared spectra of various types of liquid and solid samples (except aqueous solutions). No special sample preparation required. Measurements of infrared spectra can be used to identify test substances or comparative analysis of materials.

Last update date
Nov. 28, 2024, 11:14 a.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

Measurement of infrared spectra using the ATR technique for liquid and solid samples in the range of 350-8000 cm-1

FTIR-ATR with diamond crystal
FTIR-ATR with diamond crystal