Transmission Electron Microscope

Trade name
Technical description

The transmission electron microscope is equipped with: 

  • cold field emission gun, accelerating voltage: 60 kV and 200 kV,
  • spherical aberration (Cs) corrector,
  • high angle annular dark field detector (HAADF),
  • selected area all field detector (SAAF), dedicated to annular bright field (ABF), optimum bright field (OBF) and differential phase-contrast (DPC) methods 
  • energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) - Dual Silicon Drift Detector JEOL Centurio XXXL, 
  • 4D-STEM Gatan 4D STEMx system with the ability to acquire and analyze data in the 4D-STEM technique and perform studies such as deformation maps, crystallographic orientation maps, creation of virtual apertures and differential phase contrast,
  • Gatan METRO camera for direct electron detection,
  • double tilt liquid nitrogen cryo-transfer holder model 915 of Gatan for observations and EDS analyses at cryogenic temperatures, 

Poseidon Select in-situ TEM liquid cell holder, for observations in a liquid environment/liquid state and examining chemical, electrochemical and structural processes occurring in real-time and on the nanoscale.

Conditions for providing infrastructure

To be agreed with the contact person.

Type of accreditation / certificate:
Not applicable
Access type
Research capabilities

The microscope is designed to work in TEM, STEM and 4D-STEM modes. The microscope is dedicated to high-resolution chemical observations and analyses on the micro-, nano- and atomic scales, as well as in-situ environmental research in liquids and at cryogenic temperatures. The magnification range of microscopic images in TEM is from 50x to 1500000x.

Last update date
Oct. 30, 2024, 10:58 a.m.
Year of commissioning
Measurement capabilities

Not applicable

Transmission Electron Microscope JEOL JEM-ARM200F NEOARMex
Transmission Electron Microscope JEOL JEM-ARM200F NEOARMex