DC magnetron vacuum sputtering system
Contact person:
Kryshtal Oleksandr
Technical description:
Simple and functional sputter deposition unit for reproducible thin film layers applying. Optimized for co-deposition of TEM specimens. Main parameters: - Base pressure range 10-7 mbar - Process chamber diameter: Ø 355 mm - Substrate stage fo…
Turbomolecular pumped coater Q150T E Quorum Technologies
Contact person:
Berent Katarzyna
Technical description:
The device enables the deposition of high-purity, high-density amorphous carbon (C) thin films on the surface of non-conductive samples to improve the electrical conductivity of samples analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission…
Plasma cleaner Harrick PDC-32G Plasma Cleaner
Contact person:
Szkudlarek Aleksandra
Technical description:
Plasma Cleaner is used to clean the surface of samples from impurities of organic origin or to activate the surface. The FlowMeter apparatus allows the application of oxygen or argon and their mixtures to generate plasma with a simulataneous control…
Magnetron sputtering system Leica EM ACE600
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
High vacuum magnetron sputtering system Lecia EM ACE600 for deposition of thin films from two independent metal target sources. The sputtering system contains:
inner, integrated oil-free diaphragm pump and turbomolecular pump,
two independen…
Vacuum system for thin films sputtering and nanoparticles deposition
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
The deposition system consists of two vacuum chambers made by Mantis, which fulfil the conditions of high vacuum (HV). The first chamber enables the deposition of metal or metal oxide nanoparticles by means of the Inert Gas Condensation (IGC) method…
Pulsed Laser Deposition System
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
The system allows the fabrication of thin films of a specified stoichiometric or supersaturated composition with thicknesses ranging from a few nanometers to a few micrometers, on a variety of substrates (metallic, ceramic, polymeric). Substrates ca…
High-resolution electron beam lithography system
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
The Class 100 clean room houses the electron lithography unit (Raith eLine+). The system consists of an electron gun, a secondary electron detector, an in-lens detector, a laser interferometer, control electronics, and a pump system to maintain adeq…
Ion etching and layer deposition system
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
The Class 1000 clean room houses the Microsystems IonSys 500 ion etching and thin film deposition device. The system is equipped with an ion gun along with a SIMS detector, which enables the etching of thin films with nanometer precision, and a magn…
Spectroscopic ellipsometer
Contact person:
Mazur Tomasz
Technical description:
The SER-850 spectroscopic ellipsometer is an ultraviolet to near infrared device for measuring the thickness and basic optical properties of thin films and multilayered structures. The device allows both routine and advanced measurements of optical …