Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer
Contact person:
Bajda Tomasz
Technical description:
The Ultrapyc 5000 Micro gas pycnometer is used to precisely measure the actual density of solids in the form of powders or monoliths. Helium is used for measurements. The device has a built-in temperature control using a Peltier module. Measurements…
Density meter DMA 4500 M
Contact person:
Więcław Dariusz
Technical description:
Aparatures measures the density at temperatures between -10 °C and 200 °C and elevated pressures up to 500 bar. The automatic bubble detection, FillingCheck™, makes the DMA 4200 M compliant with ASTM D4052 and ASTM D5002. Viscosity inf…