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Metallographical microscope (clean room) Nikon Eclipse LV150N

Technical description: The light microscope (LM) allows imaging in reflected light in bright field (BF), dark field (DF), polarised light (POL) and reflected light. field (BF). It has a fully motorized stage (X,Y,Z), allowing automatic taking pictures in extended depth of…

Metallographical microscope Nikon Eclipse LV150N

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: The light microscope (LM) allows imaging in reflected light in bright field (BF), dark field (DF), polarised light (POL) and reflected light. field (BF). It has a fully motorized stage (X,Y,Z), allowing automatic taking pictures in extended depth of…

Scanning electron microscope FEI Quanta 200 FEG

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description:  High-resolution scanning electron microscope with hot field emission (FEG - highly stable Schottky electron emitter),  magnification 70 ÷ 300,000x Technical parameters: Accelerating voltage 5 - 30 kV Variable vacuum syst…