Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope
Contact person:
Trembułowicz Artur
Technical description:
The microscope takes advantage of the quantum phenomenon of electron tunneling between the sample and the tip, enabling atomic-resolution observation of sample surfaces. This capability extends to imaging molecular structures, identifying defects, a…
Pulsed Laser Deposition System
Contact person:
Naumov Andrii
Technical description:
The PLD system allows the fabrication of epitaxial films, multilayer heterostructures, superlattices, and amorphous layers from various materials (metals, nonmetals, oxides, ceramics, etc.) on a variety of substrates. Our system is equipped with a m…
High-resolution electron beam lithography system
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
The Class 100 clean room houses the electron lithography unit (Raith eLine+). The system consists of an electron gun, a secondary electron detector, an in-lens detector, a laser interferometer, control electronics, and a pump system to maintain adeq…
Metallographical microscope (clean room) Nikon Eclipse LV150N
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
The light microscope (LM) allows imaging in reflected light in bright field (BF), dark field (DF), polarised light (POL) and reflected light. field (BF). It has a fully motorized stage (X,Y,Z), allowing automatic taking pictures in extended depth of…
Dilution refrigerator with magnet
Contact person:
Chrobak Maciej
Technical description:
The 3He/4He dilution refrigerator operating in a closed cycle allows reaching and stabilizing temperatures in the range from 10 mK to 30 K. Cooling power at 100 mK is 200 μW, and at 20 mK is 4 μW. The integrated superconducting magnet allows t…
Gas sorption analyzer
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
Using the Sieverts volumetric method, the sorption analyzer makes it possible to determine the amount of gas absorbed by a sample under controlled pressure and temperature conditions. It can be used to analyze H2, CO2, CH4, N2, and Ar sorption. The …
HB05 Bonder with microscope and heater
Contact person:
Chrobak Maciej
Technical description:
The HB05 Bonder equipped with an optical microscope and a heating stage, allows to make metallic connections between sample holder and sample using gold or aluminum wire with a thickness of 25 µm.
Profilometer for measuring nanometer-sized layers
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
Contact needle profilometer for testing surface roughness and waviness with a resolution of 1 A and a repeatability of 4 A≤ (angstrom).
Ion etching and layer deposition system
Contact person:
Jurzecka-Szymacha Maria
Technical description:
The Class 1000 clean room houses the Microsystems IonSys 500 ion etching and thin film deposition device. The system is equipped with an ion gun along with a SIMS detector, which enables the etching of thin films with nanometer precision, and a magn…
Vacuum system for thin films sputtering and nanoparticles deposition
Contact person:
Jabłoński Piotr
Technical description:
The deposition system consists of two vacuum chambers made by Mantis, which fulfil the conditions of high vacuum (HV). The first chamber enables the deposition of metal or metal oxide nanoparticles by means of the Inert Gas Condensation (IGC) method…