MicroFID detector
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Sechman Henryk
Technical description:
The device measures the totals of volatile organic compounds in atmospheric air (VOCs). It is equipped with a flame ionization detector FID.
NMR spectrometer
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Krzyżak Artur
Technical description:
The Magritek Rock Core Analyzer (2 MHz) spectrometer with a diffusion system is dedicated to the study of porous systems, in particular the "tight" type, and the Thomography system attachment enabling the performance of complete 2D-3D tomo…
Scanner MRI
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Krzyżak Artur
Technical description:
Research using the MR tomograph and the RCA spectrometer enable the development of theoretical and application works on the use of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon and complementary methods in biomedicine, geophysics and geology,…
Gas chromatograph CARLO ERBA Instruments
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Sechman Henryk
Technical description:
The chromatograph is coupled with a computer and a thermal conductivity detector TCD. It is designed for separation of gas mixtures.
Gas chromatograph FISONS Instruments GC 8160
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Sechman Henryk
Technical description:
The chromatograph is coupled with a computer and a hydrogen generator NM-H2 Plus by LNI Schmidlin. The chromatograph is equipped with a flame ionization detector FID. It is designed for separation of gas mixtures.
Gas chromatograph Agilent Technologies 7820A System
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Twaróg Anna
Technical description:
The chromatograph is coupled with a computer and a thermal conductivity detector TCD. It is designed for separation of gas mixtures.
West Systems Methane and Carbon Dioxide diffuse flux meter
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Twaróg Anna
Technical description:
The device measures methane and carbon dioxide emissions directly in the field. The operation of the device consists in taking air from above the soil surface, which accumulates in the accumulation chamber. Then, the components are fed into detector…
Waterproof pH-meter - conductivity meter - salt meter CPC-411
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Sechman Henryk
Technical description:
The device measures pH, conductivity, salinity, mV (redox potential) and temperature.
It is used in field and laboratory measurements.
Gas chromatograph Agilent Technologies 7890B System
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Twaróg Anna
Technical description:
The chromatograph is coupled with a computer and a hydrogen generator NM-H2 Plus by LNI Schmidlin. The chromatograph is equipped with a flame ionization detector FID and a thermal conductivity detector TCD. It is designed for separation of gas mixtu…
AutoPore Mercury Porosimeter
Department of Energy Resources
Contact person:
Machowski Grzegorz
Technical description:
AutoPore Mercury Porosimeter from Micromeritics. The instrument measures the diameter, volume and distribution of macropores and mesopores in solid and powder samples.
Research area: petrophysics, petroleum geology, geothermal, hydrogeology, mine…