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Benchtop X-ray diffractometer

Contact person: Gondek Łukasz
Technical description: A classic X-ray powder diffractometer with the ability to measure samples at room temperature in Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry.

Helium cryocooler for Moessbauer measurements at temperatures 4 - 500 K

Contact person: Kapusta Czesław
Technical description: Heliumcryocooler, working in Gifford-MacMahon cycle, enables Moessbauer spectroscopy measurements for powder and thin film samples containing Moessbauer elements (Fe, Sn, Eu ...) at temperatures from 4 K to 500 K.

High resolution MOKE Microscope

Contact person: Ślęzak Tomasz
Technical description: The high-resolution MOKE microscope enables the observation of magnetic domains ranging in size from ~ mm (which enables the imaging of the entire sample and the review of its macroscopic properties) to ~ 300 nm in the case of maximum resolution. It…