X-ray diffractometer MiniFlex 600
Contact person:
Bajda Tomasz
Technical description:
Rigaku MiniFlex 600 X-ray powder diffractometer with 600W Cu anode.
The desktop-type apparatus is equipped with a theta-2theta goniometer.
Technical parameters:
maximum useful power of the X-ray tube – 600W
maximum lamp voltage -…
Raman microscope DXR
Contact person:
Bajda Tomasz
Technical description:
The DXR Raman microscope by Thermo Scientific, with a grating spectrometer and a CCD detector, enables the recording of spectra in the range of 50÷3300 cm-1.
• Lasers: 780 nm (max. power 24mW) and 532nm (max. power 10mW)…
Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (WD-XRF) ZSX Primus II
Contact person:
Bajda Tomasz
Technical description:
The ZSX Primus II RIGAKU X-ray Fluorescence Wave Dispersion Spectrometer (WDXRF) enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of elements in the range from nitrogen (N) to uranium (U) (Z = 7 - 92).
Spectrometer characteristics:
X-ray tube …