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Universal testing machine Instron 5982

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: Maximum load 100 kN. Working area height 1430 mm. Force measurement accuracy +/- 0.5% of reading down to 1/500th of the measuring head range (measuring head series 2580). Data acquisition with a sampling rate of up to 1 kHz simultaneously for force,…

Nanoindenter G200 Agilent - KLA

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: Testing machine for hardness and Young's modulus on the nanometre scale, with a load range of up to 9.8 N (in high load mode). Equipped with a CSM (Continuous Stiffness Measurement) module for continuous measurement of Young's modulus and ha…

Universal testing machine INSTRON 600DX

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: Maximum load - 600 kN. Working speed range from 0.1 to 76 mm/min. Strain gauge measuring heads 100 and 600 kN with measuring accuracy class 0.5 and linearity of at least +/- 0.25 % of the measured value in the range 0.4 % to 100 % of the measuring r…

Universal testing machine INSTRON 5966

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: Maximum load 10 kN. Equipped additionally with a head up to 1 kN and pneumatic jaws with a set of inserts (e.g. for ribbons testing).

Metallographical microscope Nikon Eclipse LV150N

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: The light microscope (LM) allows imaging in reflected light in bright field (BF), dark field (DF), polarised light (POL) and reflected light. field (BF). It has a fully motorized stage (X,Y,Z), allowing automatic taking pictures in extended depth of…

Rolling mill FSM 130 DURSTON

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: Cold rolling of flat and square shaper bars of soft metals and alloys.

Thin foil electropolisher TenuPol

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: The TenuPol-5 is designed for automatic electrolytic thinning of specimens for examination in a transmission electron microscope. Establishing parameters for new materials and storing them in the method database is simple, using the built-in scannin…

Mini Arc melters

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: These units are used for the synthesis of 5-20 g alloys, including high-melting materials, by arc remelting. The furnaces have a built-in rotary pump, a tungsten electrode and a 180 A generator. The melting process is carried out on a water-cooled c…

Furnaces up to 1300°C

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: Four resistive furnaces, no inert atmosphere, no vacuum chamber.

EBSD and EDS detectors

Contact person: Cios Grzegorz
Technical description: The Symmetry S2 EBSD detector is mounted on a Versa 3D scanning electron microscope (SEM) in the ACMIN scanning electron microscopy laboratory. It allows for: -analysis of the local texture and phase composition of crystalline materials. -with a rat…