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ZEISS Axiolab 5 Microscope

Contact person: Wojnarowski Paweł
Technical description: The Axiolab 5 microscope is a new generation microscope, perfectly suited for use in an industrial environment. It allows observation in transmitted and reflected light, has a digital camera and image analysis software. Modern solutions allow for qu…

Chemical reactor

Contact person: Wojnarowski Paweł
Technical description: The system is equipped with high pressure burettes intended to introduce gas (commonly hydrogen) to a reactor at a constant pressure. The burettes consist of a high pressure reservoir equipped with an inlet valve, a pressure gage and a relief v…

System for measuring capillary pressure and electrical properties in rock samples

Contact person: Wojnarowski Paweł
Technical description: The system provides reservoir description data at reservoir temperature, pore pressure and confining stress. The system is configured to provide steady state porous plate capillary pressure data and simultaneous electrical properties (“F&rdquo…

System for testing the eficiency of advanced methods of exploitation of liquid resources

Contact person: Wojnarowski Paweł
Technical description: The Core Lab AFS Core Flooding System is designed for permeability measurement of core samples, at in-situ conditions of pressure and temperature. Tests that can be performed with the system include secondary water flooding, tertiary water flooding,…