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Transmission Electron Microscope

Contact person: Moskalewicz Tomasz
Technical description: The transmission electron microscope is equipped with:  cold field emission gun, accelerating voltage: 60 kV and 200 kV, spherical aberration (Cs) corrector, high angle annular dark field detector (HAADF), selected area all field de…

Ion polisher and sprayer

Contact person: Wroński Sebastian
Technical description: The key factor that determines the quality of the images obtained using SEM electron microscopy is the appropriate preparation of samples. Generally, specimens are prepared by grinding, polishing, and etching. The electron backscattering technique (…

Morphologi 4 - Automated particle characterisation tool for the measurement of particle size and shape

Contact person: Turlej Tymoteusz
Technical description: An automated analyzer to simultaneously determine the size, shape and number of particles in a test sample. Ability to test dry powders, emulsions and liquid suspensions in the particle size range 0.5 - 1300 µm. The measuring system is equi…

Scanning Electron Microscope setup

Contact person: Ziąbka Magdalena
Technical description: SEM microscopes with electron (FEG) and ionic columns (Gallium – Scios 2). The SEMs include EDS spectroscopes (EDAX), catodoluminescence (GATAN AMETEK) and time of flight secondary ions mass spectroscope, TOF-SIMS. The microscopes are equipped…