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Laser system for microfabrication of electronic circuits working in the range of microwave and millimeter

Contact person: Staszek Kamil
Technical description: Micro Machining in the Lab UV laser source as a versatile tool The LPKF ProtoLaser U4 uses a scanner-guided laser with a wavelength of 355 nm in the UV spectrum, that has been specially developed for use in electronics laboratories. This wavel…

Rohde&Schwarz FSW85 signal and spectrum analyzer

Contact person: Piekarz Ilona
Technical description: The high-performance R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer allows engineers to perform even the most demanding tasks. It has a wide operating bandwidth that enables the characterization of broadband communication components and systems. More …

Rohde & Schwarz SMW100A vector signal generator

Contact person: Piekarz Ilona
Technical description: Vector signal generator suitable for most even the most demanding applications. The device is characterized by very good RF characteristics in the frequency range of 1oo Khz to 44 GHz. More information:…

Station for the production and in situ research of sensor nanostructures

Technical description: Technological and measuring station consisting of 5 independent chambers that meet the standards of ultra-high vacuum (UHV) by PREVAC

Etching and layering system with accessories

Contact person: Wiśniowski Piotr
Technical description: Vacuum chamber with DC and RF magnetrons and KDC40 ion source