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UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer Lambda 750 PerkinElmer

Contact person: Podborska Agnieszka
Technical description: The spectrometer has two measurement chambers enabling the measurement of liquid samples and solids. It is equipped with an integrating sphere with a diameter of 60 mm for measuring reflection coefficient and transmission in solids and powders. M…

Low Energy Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy (LEIPS)

Contact person: Marzec Mateusz
Technical description: The Low Energy Inverse Photoemission Spectrometer (LEIPS) allows determining the electronic structure of unoccupied energy levels of the conduction band of semiconductor materials. Its operating principle is based on the analysis of the spectrum of …

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Contact person: Marzec Mateusz
Technical description: The spectrometer of photoelectrons emitted under the influence of irradiation with X-ray (XPS) or ultraviolet (UPS) radiation is used to analyze the composition and chemical states of elements on the surface of the tested material. The laboratory is…

Ultrafast spectroscopy system for excited states in the ultraviolet to infrared range

Contact person: Szaciłowski Konrad
Technical description: The enVISion™ delivers broadband nanosecond TA spectroscopy that seamlessly probes the UV, visible, and near-infrared spectrum with 5 ns time resolution and up to milliseconds of delay time. Record the entire time axis with a single laser…

Hyperthermia equipment - a device for induction heating of nanoparticle solutions by DACPOL, using an AMBRELL generator

Contact person: Kmita Angelika
Technical description: Hyperthermia equipment - a device for induction heating of nanoparticle solutions by DACPOL, using an AMBRELL generator. The device for induction heating of magnetic nanoparticle solutions consists of: control system, component power supply…

HPR-20 R&D quadrupole mass spectrometer (MS)

Contact person: Kmita Angelika
Technical description: HPR-20 R&D (MS) quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled with TA Instruments (TG) Q600 thermogravimeter. The TG/DSC-MS system enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of released gases and vapors emitted during sample heating (in the temperatur…

Differential scanning calorimeter SDT Q600 by TA INSTRUMENTS

Contact person: Kmita Angelika
Technical description: Analyzer for DSC differential scanning calorimetry and TG thermogravimetry.


Technical description: The ScatterX78 chamber allows simultaneous measurement in a SAXS and WAXS vacuum. Measurement is possible for object sizes from 1 nm in 1D and 2D dimensions. Additionally, the proposed extension of the research equipment allows for conducting resear…

X-RAY Diffractometer with SAXS/WAXS

Technical description: Panalytical Empyrean powder diffractometers with Cu lamp. It allows to carry out measurements in the geometry of the Bragg-Brentano beam with the use of collimating slits and in the geometry of the parallel beam (Goebel mirror). Diffractometer equip…

DualBeam High-resolution Scanning Electron Microscop with Gallium Focused Ion Beam (FIB/SEM)

Contact person: Berent Katarzyna
Technical description: FEI Versa 3D double-beam high-resolution scanning electron microscope equipped with a Field Emission Gun (FEG) and a Focused Ion Beam (FIB). It enables operation with accelerating voltage in the range from 500 V to 30 kV (max. electron beam current …