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Transmission electron microscope

Contact person: Kruk Adam
Technical description: FEI Tecnai G2 20 TWIN is a transmission electron microscope that is an auxiliary device for initial analysis, quality of samples and preliminary structural tests. It is equipped with an electron gun with a LaB6 cathode and allows operation in the ac…

Scanning electron microscope, SEM

Contact person: Kruk Adam
Technical description: MERLIN with GEMINI II column and FEG electron source offers high-resolution imaging with advanced detection modes, including InLens (SE), InLens (EsB), Angle Selective Back-Scattered Detector (AsB), 3DSM and STEM. The imaging settings of the Gemini …

Scanning electron microscope equipped with ion gun (SEM/FIB)

Contact person: Gajewska Marta
Technical description: The Quanta 3D 200i dual beam (SEM/FIB) microscope is a device dedicated to the preparation of thin films for TEM/STEM research. The instrument is equipped with two guns: electron (tungsten filament) and ion (Ga+), a system of precise dosing of worki…

High-resolution transmission electron microscope

Contact person: Kruk Adam
Technical description: High-resolution analytical transmission electron microscope (resolution equal to 70 pm) with unique instrumentation. It is equipped with an X-FEG electron gun, a monochromator, a corrector for spherical aberration of the condenser system and the lat…

Selective laser sintering 3D printer

Contact person: Dudek Piotr
Technical description: 3D printer for manufacturing parts by selective sintering plastic powder by CO2 laser in protective nitrogen atmosfere

Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV)

Contact person: Pieczonka Łukasz
Technical description: Universal measurement system allowing the analysis and visualization of structural vibrations in high frequency band (from 0 to 25 MHz) and very high precision (<1𝑝𝑚/√𝐻𝑧 or <0.1 μm/s/√𝐻𝑧).  The use of near infrared las…


Contact person: Styszko Katarzyna
Technical description: The TSQ Altis mass spectrometer is a next-generation triple quadrupole mass spectrometer designed to provide ultimate confidence in results. The TSQ Altis MS is built on a foundation of state-of-the-art hardware and software components providing sup…

FTIR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: The Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer enables the recording of high-quality spectra in the infrared range (400÷4000 cm-1) with a maximum resolution of 0.1 cm-1.   Equipment: • DTGS and MCT detectors (nitrogen…

Particle Size Analyzer Saturn DigiSizer II

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: Micromeritics' Saturn DigiSizer II measures particle size distribution using laser radiation diffraction.  Instrument characteristics: CCD detector  a semiconductor diode laser laser power: 6-9 mW automatic system for pr…

Particle Size Analyzer SediGraph III

Contact person: Bajda Tomasz
Technical description: SediGraph III is a particle size distribution analyzer by sedimentation method with X-ray detection of suspension density. Instrument characteristics: the stationary X-ray scanner module the module of vertical movement of the measuring ch…